Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,24

climbing this huge boulder. They didn’t pay me any mind and I found what they were doing somewhat interesting, so I found a place to sit, my back leaning against a looming Redwood tree.

As they climbed and fell, climbed and fell, I wrote. At this point, I was writing short poems or phrases I thought of. It wasn’t much, but it was a hell of a lot better than what I’d been putting out the past couple years. At least I had some spark of inspiration. My well wasn’t dry, it was just low.

More people joined the group of guys, including two women. And sue me, I perked up when I saw them. They were dressed similarly in tight pants and tank tops. One was small and fine-boned, while the other taller with wider shoulders. The tall one was pretty fucking epic from behind. Her ass wouldn’t quit in those leggings and she had the kind of legs that could lock a man between them for as long as she required.

I got the shock of my life when she turned to the side and I caught sight of the scar running along her jaw.


In the back of my mind, I recalled Ellie mentioning her mom rock climbed, but I guess I’d been picturing those rock walls some gyms had. Something tame and indoors. Not this untamed badassery.

I held my breath the entire time she climbed. When she fell and laughed, my gut twisted, first in fear she’d gotten hurt, then in some form of jealousy. Like I wanted to be part of that group, laughing with her until she brushed herself off, then spotting her when she started her climb again.

This woman was strong. Muscles rippled under her skin as she pulled herself up a boulder that should have been impossible to climb. I sure as hell didn’t think I could do it.

Awe. That was the only word that could describe the feeling I got watching Kat climb. It wasn’t a feeling I got a whole lot anymore. Part of becoming jaded by life was not much impressed or moved me. And that truly sucked. Made life less enjoyable. Witnessing Kat’s pure strength and fortitude broke through my fog like the strongest ray of sunshine. She was something else.

I took out my phone and snapped picture after picture of her, grinning like a silly little kid when she got to the top of the boulder and whooped, her arms raised high over her head.

I stayed in my spot, watching from afar, until the group started packing up. As I approached, Kat’s head was tipped back as she drank from her water bottle.


She jumped, and some water spilled down her chin and throat. Her head swung in my direction, and those green, green eyes went wide. “Devon?”

It took me a second to react. Head-on, Kat was even more spectacular. Why she kept her tight, muscular form hidden under those baggy clothes, I’d never know. The drops of water making their way between her full breasts were a show unto themselves.

“Hey.” I tucked my notebook under my arm as I came to a stop in front of her.

“What are you doing here?” The beads of water finally disappeared behind the edge of her workout tank, and I was now picturing where they’d ended up. Probably all snug between her tits, lucky bastards.

I jerked my thumb over my shoulder toward the spot I’d just vacated. “I came to write, but I spent the last couple hours creeping on you.”

That made her sputter. “Are you kidding?”

“Nope. I’m mad impressed too. Think you could beat me in an arm-wrestling match?”

Something dark flashed behind her eyes for a moment. “I doubt it.”

The other woman in the climbing group came up beside Kat, touching her arm. “You ready to head back?”

“Sure,” Kat said. “Let me grab my pad.”

I followed her over to the large, square pad. When Kat started to sling it on her back, I grabbed one of the straps. “Let me.”

She frowned. “I’ve got it. After all, I could beat you in an arm-wrestling match, right?”

Her tone said she hadn’t taken that as a compliment, but I’d definitely meant it as one. Before today, I’d contemplated my attraction to Kat, finding it a gentle, subtle thing that could easily be pushed aside. Seeing the way she controlled her body, the way her muscles moved under her skin, had flipped my attraction into something combustible. And hell, call me shallow, but her tits were really fucking Copyright 2016 - 2024