Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,107

my cheek, then my lips. “Then I’ll keep on doing it.” Her hand squeezed mine. “Come on, you. Those pancakes aren’t going to eat themselves.”

I kept my eyes on Kat as we approached Bertha’s, watching her reaction. When she saw them, she let out a little gasp, then looked from me to the people waiting for us.

“Why...why are they here?”

“Just a second and I’ll tell you.”

Seated at the tables outside Bertha’s was our whole world. Ellie, Veego, and Casey. Rose and Rhea. A few guys from Kat’s station. My friends, Jeff and Shane. Veego’s parents, Lorena and Victor Senior. Even Keating had made the trip.

Kat waved. “Hi, guys. What the hell is everyone doing here?”

They laughed, and while she was looking at them, I got Leroy ready to do his job of the day and kneeled beside him.


With a bemused expression, she turned back to me. Her pretty green eyes went round when she saw me on my knee.

“Leroy has something under his collar. I think you should check it out.”

Sniffing, she slipped the folded piece of paper free and opened it to read the note inside.


The only thing I regret is not asking you sooner. I’ve wanted to for a long time, but I got the feeling you wanted me to wait. If it’s too soon, stick your tongue out and we can pretend this never happened, but if I finally got the timing right, give your ear a tug.


The lad from next door who’s only bad when you want him to be

With shining eyes, she tugged her ear. Chest full, near bursting, I took her hand in mine.

“Kat Murphy, my lady, my love, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

She dropped to her knees in front of me, her hand cupping my cheek. “Your timing is perfect. Yes, absolutely, yes.”

I slipped the ring onto her finger, then she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me as she quietly cried.

“Devon, this is perfect, so perfect, I love you.”

Our family and friends cheered, and Leroy tried to nose his way between us, but I held her tight. She was mine, and I was hers. That had always been true, even when we didn’t say it, even if we didn’t know it.

“Oh my god, are we going to have more babies?” Ellie shrieked.

Laughing, I pulled away from Kat and helped her off the ground. Ellie hugged her mom, then me. I’d wanted her to be a part of this, since she was pretty much the center of our world, but I hadn’t told her I’d be proposing today. The kid couldn’t keep a secret to save her life, no way she wouldn’t have spilled the beans to Kat.

Veego shook my hand, then wrapped his arm around his wife, who was six months pregnant. “What do you mean, more babies? Can’t this one be born before you go asking for another?” he said to Ellie.

Kat and I shared a long look. We’d been doing a hell of a lot of practicing. The timing wasn’t quite right yet, but I couldn’t wait to knock this woman up.

Rose came over and gave Kat a hug. Their relationship was still tentative, and Kat didn’t let Ellie go to Rose’s house, but she’d started allowing her to hang out at Better Buzz while Rose worked on occasion. For Kat, my stubborn lady, that was a huge step.

“You chose well, baby. You’re bathed in pink. Both of you are.” Rose smoothed her hands over Kat’s hair before she passed her onto the next person to hug. When she finally circled back to me, I held my girl in my arms and pressed my lips to her forehead.

She looked up at me, a little punch drunk on all the affection she’d been dosed with.

“I hope we’re still having pancakes,” she said.

“My lady can have all the pancakes she wants.”

She bit her lip, eyes alight. “Ooh, what did I do to deserve such a reward?”

“Agreed to become my wife. That’s a pretty huge fucking thing, Kathleen Murphy.”

She shrugged. “I’m up for it. As long as you’re up for loving me and all my crazies for the rest of your life.”

“I think I can manage.”

We settled at a table, and I looked around at the people surrounding me. People who cared enough about me—about us—to celebrate a milestone in our life together. A calm washed over me, a settled feeling I’d never had before moving here.

It was hard to say what shape our life would take next. With a teenager and hopefully a baby sooner than later, things were bound to change. The one thing I knew to be true was I loved these people. And that would never change, not even when the stars fell from the sky.

Want to keep up with all of the other books in K. Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes World? You can visit us anytime at and the best way to stay up to date on all of our latest releases and sales, is to sign up for our official KB Worlds newsletter HERE.

Are you interested in reading the bestselling books that inspired the Everyday Heroes World? You can find them HERE.

Also by Julia Wolf

If you liked this book and are curious about Michaela and Mo’s love story, check out Misconception

Unrequited Series



(Misconception is Devon’s ex-wife, Michaela’s story!)

Blue is the Color

Times Like These

Watch Me Unravel

Such Great Heights

Under the Bridge

The Never Blue Duet

Never Lasting

Never Again

The Sublime

One Day Guy

The Very Worst

Want You Bad

Fix Her Up

Eight Cozy Nights


Thank you to Kristy Bromberg for allowing me to write in your world. Your books were some of the first I read in e-book form, and they helped get me hooked on reading contemporary romance. How crazy is it that I get to be part of this all these years later? Thank you for writing a world that is so inspiring.

As always, my cover designer and photographer rocked this cover. Can you even?

My editing team kicked butt prettying up my words and making them shine! I refuse to do this without you guys. And thank you to Jen for beta reading and falling in love with Devon first, since I worried he’d be unlovable.

If you’re a reader who reads every last word in a book, including the acknowledgements, I see you, boo! I’m the same way. We should be book friends!

About the Author

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Slow Burn

Sweet Ache

Hard Beat

Down Shift


Sweet Cheeks

Sweet Rivalry

The Player

The Catch





Faking It



Then You Happened

Hard to Handle Copyright 2016 - 2024