Rock Wedding (Rock Kiss #4) - Nalini Singh Page 0,114

at the thought of proposing to her rock star.

“I know people.” He held out a hand. “Come on, let’s sit in the garden for a bit before we eat. We have places to go tomorrow.”

She frowned, her proposal-planning derailed midthought. “We’re not staying here?”


He refused to tell her anything else no matter how creative she got with her persuasive tactics. And Sarah could get plenty creative with a naked Abe Bellamy.


THE TWO OF THEM HAD A LONG, lazy breakfast the next morning after long, lazy showers. It was eleven by the time they set out. Sarah was in a comfortable dress suitable for travel that Abe had packed, but she definitely didn’t have to worry about it being a hard journey. Abe stopped all the time. Sometimes so they could admire a view, other times so she could use a restroom, still other times so they could exchange kisses.

It didn’t take her long to realize they were heading for Vegas. “We going gambling?”

“I thought you’d enjoy a shopping trip. You can buy lots of purses—the SUV has plenty of room.”

Sarah began to laugh. “You’re taking me on a prebirth purse-shopping extravaganza?” God, but she adored this man.

“Babymoon, right? That’s a thing.”

“Yes, but I never expected you to know that.” She was tickled he’d thought of it. “Let’s do this.”

Thanks to their meandering path and constant stops, they didn’t arrive in Vegas until around five that afternoon. Not tired in the least thanks to all the breaks she’d had to stretch her legs and to just relax, Sarah looked around curiously as they checked into a newly built hotel that screamed luxury.

She’d been in Vegas before, but never with Abe. However, the memory of being left behind while he went on tour, it no longer hurt. They’d been two different people then. This was who they were now… and Sarah’s Abe, he was devoted. She couldn’t wait to ask him to be her husband.

“It’s not as much fun before dark,” she whispered in the elevator.

“Yeah, Vegas is a night town.” He tipped up her chin, dropped a kiss on her lips. “We’ll paint it red tonight.”

“Did you pack the right clothes?” Vegas—and especially this hotel with its hushed air of old money—was not jersey dress territory, not even for an überpregnant woman.

Abe grinned. “Maybe.”

Narrowing her eyes, she said, “What are you up to?”

“Nothing.” His laughing eyes belied his reply.


Kicking off her shoes the instant they were in their suite, Sarah stretched. Then, while Abe tipped the bellman who’d brought up their luggage, she padded over to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked out at the uninterrupted view of the Strip. It’d be spectacular at night.

“Will you dance with me in front of the window tonight?” she asked Abe, feeling silly and romantic.

“Anything you want.”

Something in his voice made her turn around.

Her hands flew to her mouth, her eyes stinging. Because her rock star lover was down on bended knee, an open ring box in the hand he held out.

“Marry me again, Sarah?” he said, his throat moving as he swallowed. “I promise to do it right this time, to love and cherish you like you deserve, to be the best man I can be.” His hand trembled. “I will always be there for the peanut and any other children we have. I’ll be a good dad. And I’ll love you forever.”

Unable to speak, Sarah just nodded, the movement jagged.

A smile breaking out over his face, Abe reached for her hand, tugging it away from her mouth to slide the ring onto her finger. It wasn’t her old ring, the one she’d posted back to him because it hurt too much to look at it. That one had been big and sparkly and pretty, but without much of either one of them in it.

This was big and sparkly too, but the platinum band was carved with musical notes. “What?” She just pointed with her other hand, her voice too wet and shaky to make much sense.

Rising to his feet, Abe wove his fingers through hers. “It’s from this.” He began to sing, the bluesy tone of his voice a caress and the words he sang so raw and passionate and stark with love that she began to sob.

“It’s called ‘Sarah,’” he said afterward, leaning forward to kiss away her tears.

That only made her cry harder.

Enfolding her in his arms, he just held her. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” she managed to say, sniffing against him. “Sing it again,” she ordered when Copyright 2016 - 2024