The Rock Star's Baby Bargain - Lili Valente Page 0,48

behind his eyes. “Is that what you want?”

“I want your solo career to be wildly successful, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to support that.” I force a smile. “Besides, I should probably get home and focus on the job hunt. I have money in savings, but more than a few months without income will make things tight.”

He tips his head forward, sending his hair sliding into his eyes, shielding his expression as he says, “All right. But let’s make the most of the time we have left.”

“Heck, yes, we will,” I say, ignoring the tightness in my chest.

This is for the best. And two nights is a long time. We can still make tons of new memories in two nights.

As if reading my mind, Zack sweeps me into his arms, making me laugh as I hook my elbow over his shoulder “What’s this for?”

“I’m taking you into protective custody,” he says.

“Protective custody?”

“From the snakes.” He starts across the grass toward the highest point in the orchard, a rise with a killer view of the surrounding mountains.

“Right. The snakes,” I say, my breath rushing out. “You made me forget about snakes.” My lips quirk into a wry grin. “Until you reminded me, of course.”

“Don’t worry,” he says softly. “I’ll make you forget again.”

And after we spread out our picnic blanket, he does, sliding his hand under my dress and into my panties, teasing me until I’m begging him to take me. So he does, both of us naked in the sunshine with the smell of warm apples and grass filling the air, making me feel like Eve before she was kicked out of the garden.

“If only she’d been more afraid of snakes,” I murmur as Zack and I lie side by side afterward, our fingers hooked together, catching our breath.

“What’s that?”

“Eve.” I roll my head to the left to catch his gaze. “If she’d been more afraid of snakes, maybe we’d still be in the Garden of Eden. Naked and unashamed.”

“I’m not ashamed,” he whispers, making my stomach flip.

“Me, either.”

“And I don’t really believe in that stuff,” he says with a half-smile. “I think we make our own heaven. Or our own hell. Right here on earth. Depending on how we decide to spend our time.”

I press my lips together, wanting to tell him that being with him feels like heaven. Better than heaven—paradise with more orgasms than my brief religious education during one of my mother’s recovery periods would have led me to believe.

But I can’t tell him that.

It will only make goodbye that much harder for us both.

So I simply squeeze his fingers tight before turning my gaze back to the trouble-free blue sky.

But it doesn’t look like a promise anymore.

It looks like a warning to make love while the sun shines because the rain is on its way.

Chapter Seventeen


After Colette and I get back to the house, I put away the leftovers while she changes into hiking clothes.

Then I pull out my cell and compose a text to Chip—

I’ll start working on some upbeat stuff next week, but I want at least four of the new songs on the album. This is who I am right now, and this is the kind of music I need to make. And if I need to make it, there are people out there who need to hear it.

From me.

Falling in love isn’t something to be ashamed of, and it shouldn’t be that hard to market. As someone reminded me today—every time I turn on the radio, men are singing about their feelings.

We can brainstorm marketing strategies if you want. I’ll come to your office in the city when I’m finished here, and we’ll figure out a way to make it work. It can be done and done well. No doubt in my mind.

Talk to you soon, once I’ve got a few new things to share.

I shoot off the text, drop my phone on the counter, and walk away.

I’ve made up my mind, and I don’t want to waste another minute of the time I have left with Colette arguing with my manager.

Either Chip can get on board with my new sound and be the advocate I need with the record company, or we can go our separate ways.

Life’s too short not to take chances.

I have a safety net to fall back on in the event Lady Luck decides she’s tired of smiling in my direction. But right now, it’s time to be true to the music. To myself. Copyright 2016 - 2024