Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,89

about it because I couldn’t bring myself to talk to you.” She opened her purse and pulled out some papers. “These are divorce papers. I only ask that you make this quick and easy.”

Jonny felt like he was struck in the stomach. “Jill, I don’t want to divorce you...”

“Well, perhaps you should have thought of that before you started sleeping with that slut.” She placed the papers on the table. “I really have nothing else to say to you and there is nothing else that I want to hear you say.” Jill rose from the table.

“Jill, please wait.” Jonny got up from his chair.

“Don’t make a scene,” she said, her voice heavy with contempt. “You want to do something for me? Just keep this simple.” She began walking away.

“I don’t want to lose you,” he called out.

Jill spun around. “Oh Jonny,” she whispered, “I’m already gone.”

She walked out of the café leaving Jonny standing alone.




Chapter 61

The sun streamed through white gauzy curtains with soft orange light. Like the wings of a bird, the curtains flew forward with gentle grace. In the distance, the faint roar of the ocean kept perfect time with the calls of seagulls. Dana took in the moment, lulled by the magic around her. Cody’s breath tickled her skin.

This was real.

Love was real.

She delicately traced her fingers up his arm. His eyes fluttered open. “Good morning beautiful.”

Dana leaned in to kiss him, feeling his warm skin on cool bed sheets. “It is.”

Cody played with strands of Dana’s jet-black tresses. “I can’t believe today’s our last day. I feel like we’ve just gotten started.”

“I know,” she gazed into his clear blue eyes. “My plane leaves at three. That doesn’t give us much time today.”

“No, but I think we’ll need to do something about this situation. I already miss you.”

Reality crashed in on their fairy tale weekend. Cody would have to go back on tour with his band and Dana would return to her crazy life on the air.

Their lives would continue.


Dana rolled onto her stomach so she could face Cody. “So what’s the answer?”

“I wish I had one...but we’ll figure out. We’re worth it.”

Worth it.

Worth risk.

Worth loss.

Worth incredible happiness.

“I agree,” Dana confirmed to Cody and her mind.

“Good. When the band does get some time off, I’ll just find my way down to South Florida. And you? I’m sure you get vacations...”

Dana laughed. “They are few and far between, but occasionally, yes I do have some time off.”

“So we’ll meet.”

The phone interrupted their bliss.

It was Sharon. “Hey Dana...the hotel wanted to give us a good-bye lunch as a thank you. Then we have to boogie to make our flight.”

Dana rolled her eyes at Cody. “Yes, Sharon, I’ll be there.”

“Cool, we’re meeting in the lobby at noon.”

“Noon. Got it.”

“So how are things with Cody...?”

“Great, we’ll talk more later,” Dana said cutting her off.

“ he there now?”

“Bye Sharon.”

“ the message, but I want details! Bye, Dana!”

Dana placed the phone back on the hook. “I think we’ve been found out.”

“That’s fine with me,” Cody replied pulling her close.

Dana felt a wave of sadness realizing tonight she would be alone. “So I leave today...”

“And I’ll call you tonight.”

“Where are you headed?”

“I think I’m gonna stop in Pinetree and see my mom tonight before returning to Gainesville tomorrow. Talking about everything the other night got me thinking. It’s been a long time.”

“That’ll be nice for you to see her.”

“I guess,” Cody said absentmindedly. “My mom and I have a weird relationship. I know she wants the best for me, but part of me still doesn’t understand her...”

“Because...?” Dana probed.

Cody felt he could trust Dana. Years of silence about his childhood rose like a pressure in his body, forcing itself out. “I told you my father was an alcoholic, but I didn’t tell you everything.”

Dana looked at him, scared for what he was about to reveal.

Cody took a deep breath and paused before continuing. “He also physically abused my mom and me.”

“Oh my God,” Dana said grabbing his hand tightly.

Once the words started to come out, Cody couldn’t stop them. “Yeah…it was horrible, terrifying and...I...I can’t even really describe what it’s like to see the man who’s supposed to be your father hurt you physically and emotionally.”

“Were you okay...are you okay?” Dana was shocked. Her background of a close family prevented her from comprehending the horrors that Cody was speaking of.

“No, I wasn’t and now...I don’t think I ever recovered. My dad would come home saturated with alcohol and full of rage. He beat us Copyright 2016 - 2024