Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,80

was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but there was no other option. My mother and I needed to be safe.” Select memories of his childhood tumbled from his mouth. It was odd hearing his voice speak his secret past.

“So what happened with your mom?”

“Not much. She and I are not close at all. I resented...resent her still really, for letting my dad stay around as long as he did. I wished she was stronger, no that’s not the right word...” He pursed his lips together in thought. “I wish she was smarter. The verbal abuse...” He omitted the physical abuse, not wanting to speak those memories, “Letting your child get verbally abused, there’s no excuse for staying in that kind of situation.”

“Did she not have anywhere else to go?”

“I know what you’re thinking...that she felt trapped like she couldn’t escape. But Dana, when you are getting abused the way my dad was abusing her and me, something in you has to overcome the fear and get the hell out of that situation. If not for herself, then for the safety of her son.”

In Cody’s eyes Dana could see the soul of a scared child. She tightened her grasp of his hands. “You had a really hard life. I can’t imagine.” She really couldn’t. Cody’s childhood was entirely different from hers. Dana’s family was close and loving. The world Cody spoke of was completely foreign to her.

“I was glad to get out. It’s not anyplace I ever want to think about or go back to.” Cody exhaled slowly. He could feel a weight lift off his shoulders. It was freeing to confess the sins of his father. He held those memories inside for so long they had become a permanent wound, an ache that never left him. This moment of lightness was something he’d never experienced or knew existed. He spent a lifetime hiding: under his bed, behind a gun, as a cocky singer in a rock band. True happiness had eluded him. He looked at Dana with new eyes. Maybe she could help him heal. Cody never thought that was even possible. He only hoped it wasn’t at the expense of losing her.

Rosa reappeared with Dana’s margarita, “Are you ready to order?”

Dana and Cody pulled back from each other and their serious conversation. They barely had time to look at their menus, but each was starving. Quickly they perused the menu.

“Wanna share fajitas?”

Dana nodded.

“For two,” he ordered.

They handed Rosa their menus and went back to each other.

“Enough about my childhood...let me hear more about you.”

“Cody, if you want to talk more...”

“Actually I don’t.” He meant it. “My past has taken too much from me already. I want to live my life.” He looked around at the beautiful surroundings and the amazing woman who looked at him with such concern. “I want to see your eyes smiling again.”

Dana tipped her head to the side, “You sure?”

“One hundred percent.”

“Ok...” she smiled, “what do you want to know?”

Cody thoughtfully tapped his head. “Your turn for serious stuff,” he paused. “So you’re stranded on a deserted island, what CD do you take with you?”

She crossed her arms across her chest. “Oh, you’re really delving.” She smiled. “Elton John, Madman Across the Water.”

Cody raised his eyebrows in respect. “Unexpected...good one.” He sang a few bars of Tiny Dancer.

“My favorite one. And you?”

“Zeppelin, but it’d have to be a greatest hits. No way could I choose.”


“Inspired,” he smiled. “Okay, your turn, you ask.”

“Okay, favorite meal of all time to have on this deserted island that just happens to have the greatest music of all time.”

“Beef Wellington.”

Dana cracked up. “Are you serious?”

“What’s wrong with Beef Wellington?” Cody asked smiling, “Why can’t a man like a nice piece of steak wrapped in puff pastry?”

“No...there’s nothing wrong with that...or the fact that you would specifically mention the puff pastry,” Dana said, laughing so hard that tears fell down her cheeks.

“Well, what’s your selection, Miss Food Expert?”

“I have a bit more simple taste buds...I’d pick pizza and chocolate cake.”

“Um...I believe you said only one item. Pizza and cake?”

“Well you got beef and puff pastry.”


Their food arrived as if on cue.

“Careful, this is hot,” Rosa said, putting down the sizzling hot black fajita skillet overflowing with green peppers and onions.

They dove into their dishes still talking, laughing...connecting.

Dana pushed her plate away. “I am so stuffed.”

“That was great. I’m ready to walk this off. You?”

“I’d love to.” Dana got up from the table.

“Do you feel lucky tonight?” he asked, Copyright 2016 - 2024