Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,77

so crazy to worry about this guy. He decided he’d talk to her about it when she got back.

Jonny moved into her adjoining dining area. It was simple - a white wood table with white wood chairs and red cushions. Enlarged photographs of red hibiscus hung on the walls. Nicely matched, he thought. Jonny passed through her simple kitchen, then went into her bedroom. He stopped in the doorway. No, this would go too far. He turned and flopped back on the couch, proud of his restraint.

The phone rang. He checked the caller ID, it was the station. They knew he was staying here, but didn’t know why.


“Jonny, it’s Ted. I need to see you in my office. Now.”

Chapter 55

Larry smashed violently through the wall. It was now the recipient of years of rejection.

“That’s for calling me stupid,” he yelled, pushing the drill in even farther. “And for not giving me a chance.”

Bits of wall and white dust flew forward. He didn’t care. The destruction was freeing. A sense of great power came over him as the hole in the wall enlarged. Larry pushed into the cinder block with all his might watching with glee as the wall was destroyed. For once, he was the master of his universe, the controller of his destiny.

“AHHHH!” he let out a primal yell, abandoned the drill and began clawing at the wall, pulling apart the dry wall with his bare hands, ripping down the horrible memories. The white walls became spattered with blood. Larry looked down at his hands, they were badly cut up, but there was no pain. The sight of the blood did, however, prompt him to stop the rampage. He didn’t want to stain the wall permanently. Quickly, he ran to the kitchen and wrapped paper towels around his hands. He then wet more paper towel at the sink, brought it back to the wall and furiously began scrubbing. The redness faded, but a faint stain remained. He scrubbed at it even harder, but he could not get it out. The paper towels his hands were wrapped in were growing wet with his blood. Larry realized he needed to tend to himself.

“I’ll just paint over it,” he muttered and ran upstairs to the bathroom. He found the bottle of hydrogen peroxide under the sink, just where it should be, behind the alcohol, and poured the clear liquid over his bloody hands. He winced in pain as he felt a cool sting foam over his wounds. The blood persisted. “Damn,” he said pouring more peroxide over his hands. The last thing he wanted to have to do was go to the hospital for stitches. He grabbed a bath towel, sorry to have to ruin it and wrapped it over his left hand. He then grabbed the other bath towel with his teeth and used his body to wrap it around his right hand. Like a boxer with terry cloth gloves, he emerged from the bathroom, incapable of continuing.

He’d lost the battle tonight, but he would not lose the fight.

Chapter 56

Dana couldn’t believe her eyes.


It was really him.

She rose to her feet matching his approaching footsteps stride for stride.

“You made it!”

“What took you so long?” he responded, cupping her face in his hands, raising it for a gentle kiss. Dana felt her knees weaken.

“I was wondering the same thing.” The stares of curious onlookers bore into them. “Come meet my friends.”

Hand in hand they approached the broadcast table. Sharon’s jaw literally dropped.

“Hey, everyone, I’d like you to meet...”

“Cody Blue, oh my God, I love your band!” Sharon had not yet learned radio couth, the unspoken rule of professionalism between rock stars and radio personnel that removed the fan element.

“Thanks.” A true gentleman, he shook her hand, then quickly returned to the warm grasp of Dana.

Sharon noticed his action. “Are you and Dana...?”

“Yes.” He smiled.

“Dana, you’re on the air in five,” Liam yelled. “Sorry to break up the reunion, but this is work.” He spoke with feigned seriousness. The Blue Bird of Paradise had taken effect and “this is work,” was the new catchphrase of the trip.

Cody kicked back with the group, nursing his piña colada slowly, enjoying his view...of Dana. She looked incredibly beautiful. Shiny black hair, a gorgeous smile and the warmest eyes he’d ever seen. He was so grateful for the time they’d have together without work, without the band. Time to see who they really were...together.

The broadcast went smoothly and fast.

“See you back here tomorrow at noon,” Liam said, Copyright 2016 - 2024