Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,70

from his chair to greet her. He wore a loud purple shirt and black pants. His graying hair was slicked back. “You look a little worse for wear,” he whispered in her ear.

“Long morning.”

Jill took her seat at the round meeting table to discuss the final advertising campaign for the car dealership giant.

Nick was in his element, smoothly taking control. For the first time, Jill was thankful. “So we’ll tie in the print ads from Jill’s ad agency with our radio commercials all leading up to the big promotion – a huge remote at your flagship dealership in Miami.”

“Yes,” she added, not wanting to be completely irrelevant, “Nick and I have pooled our resources to ensure a uniform media blitz of your ‘one price, low price’ campaign.”

“Fantastic!” Hal Jacobs, owner of five car dealerships, smiled broadly. “I’m giving you a lot of money, this needs to work.”

“It will,” Jill and Nick said simultaneously.

“Good, I appreciate your enthusiasm.” Hal closed his notebook signaling the end of the meeting. “I’ll see you next week for the launch?” It was more of an order than a question.

“Definitely,” Nick said extending his hand.

“Yes and sorry again for being late,” Jill chimed in.

“It’s okay, I know you won’t let it happen again.”

Jill smiled uncomfortably. She hated being scolded. She was a professional and liked to present herself as such. Today, though, she was rattled.

Jill and Nick walked out of the meeting together.

“Are you okay, Jill? You weren’t your usual put together self.”

“What can I tell you? We all can’t be as perfect as you.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He laughed.

“Whatever.” Jill realized that Nick worked at the station, perhaps he knew something. She desperately wanted to come right out and ask him, but feared embarrassment if she was wrong. But she knew she wasn’t. She had to find out the truth. “So, Nick, what’s new at the station?”

“Oh, the usual crap, I’m sure Jonny fills you in on all of it.”

“Not all of it...” She let her sentence trail leaving time for him to jump in. He didn’t. “Is there something I should know?”

“Like what?”

This was harder than Jill thought. Obviously, being coy was not the answer. “Nick, I need to ask you something, but I want you to promise me your discretion.”

He stopped walking and turned serious. “Sure, Jill, what’s up?”

She was shaking. “Is Jonny involved with someone?”

Nick pulled back.

Jill saw his stunned response and got her answer.

“Naw...why would you say that?” Nick tried to clean up his reaction. After all, he was usually on the other side of this equation, he didn’t feel right being the one to tell the wife.

“I saw how you reacted,” she said coldly. “I think I got my answer.”

“Jill I really don’t know anything.” He did only see a kiss and wandering hands...he wasn’t stupid, but it was still just conjecture on his part.

“Whether it means anything to you or not, I’m Jonny’s wife. I’m married to him, I’m sleeping with him...I deserve to know if he’s cheating on me. Could you please, please just tell me the truth,” she begged.

Nick looked at the disheveled woman before him. The normally put together Jill’s hair was out of place. Her make-up was poorly applied. There was desperation in her eyes and sorrow. Nick hated to see a woman upset. He placed his hand on hers, “Listen, I’ll tell you the truth. I saw Jonny kissing someone at the station. I honestly don’t know what else is going on, if anything. I’m just telling you what I saw.”

Jill gasped, thinking the truth and hearing it were two different things. “Was it Heather?”

He nodded.

Tears rose immediately to Jill’s eyes as she heard the truth confirmed. “Oh, God.”

Nick embraced her. She put her head on his shoulder, welcoming his arms around her. “I’m sorry.” He truly was.

She shook with anger and sadness.

Nick leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. She responded slowly, kissing him harder with revenge. Realizing her actions, she quickly pulled away and wiped her mouth.

“I’m not like him...I’m not like that.”

Nick straightened his tie. “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.”

“I have to go.” Jill began walking away, rushing to her car for salvation.

“Are you going to be okay?” Nick called out.

“What do you think?” Jill got in her car and sped away. She picked up her cell phone and dialed the radio station.


“Yes, I’d like to speak with Heather, I believe she’s an intern there.”

“Hold on,” Jill heard the operator ask if anyone knew of Copyright 2016 - 2024