Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,50

love and dedication to him. Dana was still searching for that kind of love and Jonny had it...why was he trying so hard to throw it away?

She walked back to her office and went inside. Slipped under the door was her mail and among it a bright red envelope.

She picked up the card and saw her name written in childlike print. The return address read Larry Carter. Larry, the creepy listener. She opened the envelope nervously. It gave her a bad feeling. She pulled the card out. A picture of a rose specked with dew was on the front. She opened it hesitantly. Paper clipped to the inside was a picture of Larry and her from the remote at Scully’s.

Dearest Dana,

Roses are red

Violets are blue

You were meant for me

And I was meant for you



Oh jeez, this guy was off kilter. It made her a bit nervous. Below Larry’s printed name was his phone number. Did he expect she would call him? Dana wanted to dismiss the card like she had so many other wacko listeners who thought she was their best friend or next girlfriend. Dismiss it like she had the other listeners who came to every remote, sent flowers or gift baskets. But something about this card was different, something in the childlike writing and simplistic poem sent up a red flag.

Something in the picture.

Larry was serious, more serious than the others she sensed. She set the card on her desk with the envelope and made a mental note to herself to tell Jonny about it.


Where the hell was he?

Chapter 32


That’s what Jonny saw after making love to Heather for the second time that afternoon. She was insatiable - rubbing, kissing, caressing...telling him how amazing he was. Heather was something else. Jonny loved how he felt around her. Like someone important, which, he was. Jill saw Jonathan Roeker. Heather saw Jonny Rock. Their romp made him forget about Jill and his promise. After all, why should he end a good thing?

Heather languished naked on the bed and pulled a cigarette from her purse. She lit up and took a long drag. “You want?”

Jonny wasn’t a smoker, but took it anyway. A cigarette after sex was nice sometimes.

“Jonny, it was too long between our times together.” She traced circles on his chest with a single pink fingernail.

He took another drag and blew the smoke slowly from his lips. “I agree.” He did.

“Can’t we see each other more...outside of work. I want to go to dinner with you.”

“Heather you know that can’t happen...I’m married.”

“But you don’t love her.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then what are you doing here with me?” Point.

“Fooling around.” Counterpoint.

Heather pulled away. “I hate it when you say that. You make me feel so cheap, like I don’t mean anything.”

“If I didn’t want to be with you I wouldn’t be with you.”

“Are you with me just for the sex?”

“No,” he lied.

“That’s good to hear.” She looked up at him with a smile.

He brushed her pigtail away from her face. “Is it?”

“Yes, it is, because Jonny Rock, I’m starting to fall in love with you.”

Chapter 33

Jonny returned to the station quickly. It was nearly five o’clock. He was gone too long. He slipped in the employee entrance.

“Jonny,” Joel the guard said.


Jonny rushed up to the studio, his heart racing.

Heather was falling in love with him.

He was in over his head. Way over.

Dana was waiting for him in the studio reading a magazine.

“Oh, are you on the air now?” She looked at her watch.

“Very funny Dana,” Jonny said running his fingers through his messy hair. He was upset, tense and didn’t need her clever crap now.

“Jonny, I don’t know what you’re doing, but I don’t think it will end well.”

“Dana, there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Why don’t I believe that?”

“I don’t know...maybe it’s because you’re so negative,” he snapped.

“Cool it Jonny, believe it or not, I’m looking out for you.”

“I’m under stress.” He tapped his fingers on the console repeatedly.

She slammed the magazine down. “Obviously.”

“So what do you need? Did you come in for a reason or just to break my balls?”

“What crawled up your butt and died?”

Jonny leaned over the console and took several deep breaths.

“I hope you’re counting to calm down, ‘cause I don’t deserve this Jonny. I’m not the one bringing your world to an end.”

Jonny inhaled deeply. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

“Look...I’m not one hundred percent sure what’s going on, but I have a pretty good idea it involves Heather. You better watch it, you could get in big trouble...and I Copyright 2016 - 2024