Rock Radio - By Lisa Wainland Page 0,23

disappointedly at Cody. “I have to go...she’s my ride.”

“I’ll call you, we’ll make plans.” He brushed her arm again.

“Great,” she said as Marci pulled her away.

Cody looked at the napkin and memorized the number, afraid he might do something stupid like lose it or wash it in his jeans. He found the other guys. They were all surrounded by women. It wasn’t long before Cody was accosted too.

“Hey you sounded awesome.”

“Loved your songs.”

They oozed, I want you, but Cody wasn’t into them. None of them sparked his attention like Laura.

That night he lay awake, too excited to sleep. He couldn’t wait until the next day to call Laura.

He didn’t wait long. At noon he called and fortunately she answered. They made a date for that night.

Cody took more time preparing for his date with Laura than he did for his performance the night before. He wore tan Dockers and an ice blue shirt. He borrowed Alex’s car and picked her up at exactly seven. He was determined to do everything right.

Laura opened the door wearing a denim skirt and a close fitting pink top. She looked gorgeous.

Cody took her to dinner at a cozy Italian restaurant. It was too expensive for him, but he didn’t care, it was warm and romantic and he only had one chance to make a good impression.

“So tell me about your family,” Laura asked, breaking a breadstick in half. He marveled at how she asked so casually, not knowing the depth and complexity of the answer.

“I’d rather hear about yours,” Cody responded, artfully turning the conversation.

“Well, I have a younger sister, Morgan, she’s a sophomore in high school. And my parents are, you know, your basic parents. I have an okay relationship with them, the usual ups and downs.”

Cody feigned knowledge of normal. “That’s cool. So, you lived your whole life in Jacksonville?”

“Yeah, pretty boring, huh?”

“Sometimes boring is good.”

“I guess. What about you Cody?”

“Oh we lived all over, I was in Waldo for a time,” he lied hoping she had never been.

“Oh, how funny,” she said, “right on the way to me in Jacksonville. See we were so close and didn’t even know it.”

“How about that.”

“So I feel stupid asking this, ‘cause everyone does,” she began. Cody held his breath. “What’s your major?”

Cody was relieved. They talked for hours over dinner, drawing angry glares from the waiter who wanted them to leave so he could get more customers. They didn’t care though, they were too wrapped up in each other.

Cody drove Laura home nervously. This girl was too good for him. She’d find out who he really was, where he really came from, and it would all be over.

“I’m sorry to see this night end,” he said en route.

“I know. I had a great time.” She touched his hand as he maneuvered the stick shift. They shared a knowing smile.

“Do you want to do it again this Friday night?” he asked.

“I’d love to.”

He parked the car at her apartment complex and walked her to the door. A slight breeze blew past them. She shivered. He immediately put his arms around her. Their lips met as if on cue. The kiss was warm and slow. He gently opened his mouth feeling her soft tongue on his.

“Oh,” she breathed.

He pulled back, not wanting to do the wrong thing. “I’ll see you Friday?”

“Friday,” she confirmed and turned into her apartment.

They both floated from each other.

Cody drove home with a rush of happiness.

He was in love.

Chapter 11

Dana got to the station at four and went straight into Jonny’s office.

“Jonny, tell me again about this Scully’s gig tonight and this whole Bahamas contest. I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.”

“Sure.” He glanced up, stunned at her words. Dana was always on top of everything. “Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”

“Thanks a lot,” she said, even though she knew it was true. She spent the night crying and her eyes showed it. They were red, swollen and puffy. She didn’t have the energy to put herself together this morning, so she just pulled her black hair back in a ponytail and dressed casually in faded jeans and a slate gray t-shirt. It echoed her mood.

“Seriously Dana, do you need to talk? I’ll listen.”

Jonny was ultimately a prick, but Dana had come up with him through the ranks. They'd known each other for years and he was like a brother to her. She really needed a friend.

“You got a couple minutes?”


“Sam left me.”

A flash of surprise came across Copyright 2016 - 2024