Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,79

to make your drive home a little smoother.”

Erica finished her introduction and smiled at Adam across the booth, amazed at the way things had worked out. They’d met with Stan DeWitter and he’d made them a generous offer to do the drive-time show at KMJC. It was a terrific opportunity.

But when they’d shown up at Carl’s office and tried to hand in their resignations, he’d surprised them both by making a counteroffer. He’d sat them down in his office and lectured them like a father lecturing his wayward children—lots of words about “learning from your mistakes” and “paying your dues,” in this case a hefty fine from the FCC.

“I’ve got a lot invested in both of you,” he’d said, scowling and pacing back and forth in front of his desk. “If DeWitter thinks he can waltz in here and snatch you away from me, he’s got another think coming.” Then Carl had named a salary figure that more than topped DeWitter’s offer.

“What about your no-dating policy?” Erica had teased.

“The policy’s been changed.” He stopped and stabbed a finger at her. “But no more screwups. The cost of my ulcer medication keeps going up. You two are going to put me in the poorhouse.”

So here they were, back in their familiar chairs in the production booth, and back in each other’s arms when the show was over.

“Coming up later this hour, we’ll have our trivia challenge, as well as a look at the upcoming concert schedule.” Adam smiled at her across the console. He smiled a lot more these days.

“Also a reminder that this weekend at the Civic Center, we’re emceeing ‘Re-Entry Sunday,’ a benefit and job fair to help ex-convicts start productive lives outside of prison.” She read her portion of the promo copy.

“I hope you’ll all come out and support this great cause,” Adam said. “We’ve got some fantastic rock memorabilia we’ll be auctioning off. And if you’re an employer looking for help, we’ll have a list of qualified, screened candidates ready to go to work. Who knows, you might be hiring the next Hawk.” He punched the button to play a commercial and sat back in his chair. “How’d that sound?”

“Great.” She slid her chair over and kissed his cheek. “How does it feel, not keeping so many secrets?”

“It’s a different kind of high altogether.” He pulled her close. “Or maybe that’s just you.”

“Let’s remember you’ve got a show to do, folks,” Mason’s voice chided in their headphones.

Erica laughed and rolled her chair back to her side of the console in time to read the next promo. “For the many fans of Bombshell Bonnie, be sure to tune in Thursday evenings to KDEN, Channel 24. The Bombshell is hosting the new reality show, Denver Idol.”

“All I can say is, Simon better watch out or the Bombshell will have his job,” Adam said.

“Good luck to Bonnie. Now here’s Rob Thomas with ‘Lonely No More.’” The music started and she found herself humming along. “Do you realize I’ve been at KROK almost a year this month?” she said, after a glance at the calendar.

“We’ll have to celebrate,” he said.

“We should. It’s a new record for me.” No more hopping from job to job or relationship to relationship. She might still change her hairstyle on a whim, but when it came down to the things that mattered, she was into thinking long-term.

“Maybe I’ll buy you a bottle of Godiva,” Adam said, winking.

“Mmm. Sounds good. And maybe we’ll find something to do with it.”

The heated look in his eyes made her curl up her toes in delight. Oh, yes. There was definitely something to be said for sticking around to know someone in the long-term. After all, the more you knew about someone, the more there was to love.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-5750-8


Copyright © 2005 by Cynthia Myers.

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