Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,32

lay still, letting the idea sink in, savoring the possibilities of this unexpected turn of events. “No one’s watching us.”

“No one.”

“So no one will see if I do this.” He shaped his hand to the curve of her cheek and drew her lips to his.

He’d been preoccupied with wanting her all day, but when their mouths met his need for her blotted out all other thought. She opened her mouth and her tongue twined with his, tasting and teasing. He traced the curve of her lips, then slid along the little gap between her upper front teeth, satisfying his curiosity as to how that would feel.

She giggled, but when he would have withdrawn, she sucked hard, holding him captive.

He had no objection to prolonging the kiss, but he wanted more. Lips still locked to hers, he caressed her side, then slipped his hand beneath her T-shirt.

She sighed when he stroked the underside of her breast, and gasped when he dragged his palm across her distended nipple. “You like that?” He spoke with his lips still against hers.

“Uh-huh. Don’t stop.”

“I won’t stop. I promise.”

Her eagerness fueled his own desire, and he moved his hand to her other breast, fingers tracing the curve of the underside, thumb flicking across stiffened nipple. Listening to her gasp and moan was making him pretty stiff, too. He raised up on one elbow, and tugged the shirt to her shoulders. She took the hint and stripped the garment off over her head and sent it sailing. Her pants followed, and she lay naked beside him.

“I wish the light was better,” he said, resting his palm against her stomach, feeling her skin quiver at his touch.

“You’ll just have to pretend you’re a blind man,” she said. “And learn about me through touch.”

“And taste.” He took one nipple in his mouth, and swirled his tongue around and over the sensitive nub. She arched against him, her pubic bone pressed against his erection, leaving no doubt what she wanted.

He could have taken her right then, and neither one of them would have felt cheated, but he saw no reason to rush. He turned his attention to the other breast, sucking and licking, aware of her growing agitation. She writhed beneath him and made mewling sounds. “Don’t stop,” she whispered again. “Don’t stop.”

He slid his hand down, over the curve of her hip, along her muscular thigh, then dipped down between her legs, to the wet heat of her sex.

He slipped two fingers inside her, and felt her tighten around him. His erection pulsed, insistent, but he forced himself to resist the urge to bury himself inside her, now.

“That feels so good,” she said, the words breathed out like a sigh.

“You haven’t felt anything yet.” He withdrew his fingers and brought them to her mouth. She sucked hard, and he felt the pull all the way to his groin.

Then she pushed his hand away and grabbed the elastic waistband of his pants. “These have got to come off,” she said. Seconds later, the pants sailed out of the bed to land somewhere in the darkness.

Erica pressed her body against his, relishing the feel of his warm skin against hers, the tickle of his chest hair against her breasts, the jut of his hipbones against hers, the insistent pressure of his cock against her thigh. In the darkness every touch was intensified, every sound magnified. When she rested her head on his chest, his heartbeat was a steady pounding, a counterpart to her own erratic pulse.

She raised up on her elbows and bent her head to suckle his nipple, his breathing growing more harsh and uneven as she reached down to stroke his erection.

Remembering her earlier promise, she kissed her way down his body, pausing at his navel to trace the slight depression, rewarded by the catch of his breath.

She moved down farther. He flinched as her fingers wrapped around him, then let out his breath in a soundless rush. She slowly dragged her hand up the length of him, marveling. “Have you been hard like this all day?” she asked.

“No.” He reached down and grasped her arms and pulled her up until her face was even with his once more. “For the past three days. You’ve had me in agony.”

“Then I promise, it will have been worth the wait.”

They kissed again, a slow, drowning kiss that belied the urgency of their need. “I don’t want to wait much longer,” he said. “We don’t know when the power will come back Copyright 2016 - 2024