Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,30

sleazy stunts,” she said. “But once I was here and actually part of things, it didn’t seem sleazy at all. It’s been fun.” She reached over and touched his arm.

He looked up at the ceiling, at the smoked plastic cy-clops neither one of them could completely forget. “We have to be careful.”

“I know.” She withdrew her hand and sat cross-legged beside him. “So let’s talk.”

“Isn’t that what got us into trouble last night?”

“I didn’t hear you complaining.”

No, he hadn’t complained. He’d surrendered gladly, tired of fighting his attraction for her. Learning she wasn’t as young as he’d feared helped, but so did the fact that he felt more at ease with her than he had with anyone in years.

“I think I know why Bonnie was giving me such a hard time this morning,” she said.

“Oh? Why is that?”

“She’s jealous. She’s still got a thing for you.”

His breath rushed out of him and he sat up, coughing. “Bonnie hates my guts,” he protested.

“She doesn’t. I don’t see how she could. Why bring her current boyfriend around unless she was trying to make you jealous by parading him in front of you?”

He shook his head. “No way.”

“You don’t think she still cares about you?”

“Bonnie cares about Bonnie. That’s it. More likely she’s jealous of you being in the spotlight instead of her. It’s no secret she wants her own show.”

“Why doesn’t she have one yet?”

“Probably because Carl doesn’t trust her. You heard she cussed me out on the air, right?”

She nodded. “But he gave you a second chance after that. He gave me a second chance after I flubbed those commercials.”

“We’re not talking one little slip of the lip,” he said. “She called me a rat bastard and several other choice expletives.”

He didn’t seem terribly upset about the incident, at least not now. “What happened? I mean, what led to your fight, anyway?”

He was silent for a long moment. Erica flushed. “Hey, if you don’t want to talk about it…”

“No, that’s okay.” He glanced at her. “I just hate to admit I was such a fool.”

“What do you mean?”

“I should have seen what Bonnie was like right away. But I was new in town, and I hadn’t been in a relationship in…a while. And let’s face it—she’s gorgeous and sexy and I’m a guy, so I wasn’t exactly doing a lot of thinking when she came on to me.” He shrugged. “It seemed like a good idea at a time. Does it bother you to hear this?”

She realized she was sitting hunched over, her hands balled into fists in her lap. She forced herself to relax against the pillow, palms flat on her thighs. “Of course not. I’m glad you’re being so honest with me.”

“Anyway, we only dated a couple of months. It didn’t take me too long to wake up to the fact that she wasn’t a very nice person.”

“So you decided to break up.”

“Yeah. That’s when I made stupid mistake number two. Number one being ever getting involved with her in the first place. I gave her the news that I thought we should cool it right before I started my show that afternoon. By the time she came on to do the weather, she’d worked herself into a real lather. I was so stunned I didn’t kill her mic nearly fast enough.”

“And the FCC fined you both.”

“And the station. And Carl threatened to fire us both, though eventually he calmed down.”

“So if she’s not still carrying a torch for you, maybe she’s holding a grudge.”

“I’m sure Bonnie has a long list of grudges.”

“She’s a very unhappy person.”

“Don’t waste your time feeling sorry for her.”

“I’m not going to lose any sleep over her, I promise.” Though she didn’t anticipate a restful night. Not with Adam beside her, so close and yet forbidden.

He rearranged the pillow under his head, then settled back down. “I wonder if either one of us will get much sleep tonight.”

She shifted lower under the covers, thighs squeezed together and memories teasing her. “Last night was amazing,” she said.

“We can’t risk anything like that tonight. Not after corporate already thinks we’re on the edge of indecency.”

She giggled. “If they only knew how indecent we’ve been.”

“We ought to change the subject.”

“I don’t know. If we can’t do anything, it might be fun to talk about what we might do.”

“Fun? Or torture?”

“Maybe a little of both. But it would give us something to look forward to later.”

“Yeah.” He was silent, and she wondered if she should pursue the subject Copyright 2016 - 2024