Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,27

of radio personnel, furniture store employees and early shoppers. “Wrecks working at Sims and Union, in the Eleven Hundred Block of Colfax, the I-70 and I-225 interchange, I-25 and Federal and I-25 and Santa Fe. Lights are out at Wadsworth and Alameda. Exercise caution when driving through standing water, as flooding may occur. And it doesn’t look like conditions will improve anytime soon. This storm cell is expected to hover over the area into tonight. Sounds like great weather for staying home and cuddling up with a significant someone.”

“Or you could come on down to Mattress Max’s showroom and make a donation to our fund for the Salvation Army,” Adam grabbed the segue. “While you’re here, check out the full line of Therapedic mattresses.”

“After all, if you’re going to cuddle, why not make your love nest really cozy?” Erica said.

They cut to a commercial. “That was my line,” Bonnie hissed as soon as their mics were no longer live.

“What?” Erica looked confused.

“The line about the cozy love nest. That was my line.” She stabbed a finger at the script on the clipboard.

“I’m sorry, Bonnie. I didn’t see the little ‘B’ in the margin.”

“That innocent act may fool some people, but it doesn’t impress me.” Bonnie took a step toward Erica.

“I told you I was sorry.” Erica sat up straighter and glared at Bonnie. “There’s nothing I can do about it now, so get over it.”

“Who are you, telling me to get over it? You just remember I’m the star here, and you’re still an intern—”

“Cool it, Bonnie.” Adam got out of bed and inserted himself between the two women. “Erica didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Come on, people, break up the coffee klatch.” Carl stepped between them. “Bonnie, your segment’s over. It’s time for Nick’s call.”

Overacting the role of the wounded party, complete with tortured sighs and much hair-fluffing, Bonnie turned and left.

Carl handed Adam a cordless phone. “Nick’s already on the line. We’ll put him on after the next song. The production guys will patch in the call. Just ask him the usual questions—how he’s feeling, if he’s giving the nurses any trouble, all that.”

Adam put the phone to his ear. “Hello, Nick?”

“Hey. How’s it going, Adam?”

“Okay. We’re going to go live in a couple of minutes. How are you doing?”

“How do you think I’m doing?” Nick’s voice sounded even rougher than usual, as if he’d been smoking cigarettes and drinking shots of whiskey for three days straight. “I’m in pain, I’m bored, I’m stuck here in this bed and I can’t even take a piss without help.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“I’ll just bet you are. While I’m dying over here, you’re lolling around in bed all day and night with a gorgeous young woman. So how are you and Erica getting along? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.”

He pressed the phone tighter to his ear and glanced at Erica. She was reviewing the morning’s play list, apparently oblivious to Nick’s comments. “She’s doing a great job,” he said. “You’d never know she hadn’t been doing radio for years.”

“That dull, huh? Sorry. You know, anytime you like, Naughty Nick would be happy to give you a few pointers for wowing the opposite sex. It’s all a matter of having primo moves and the perfect lines and you can reel them right in.”

“I never did like fishing much.” He heard the closing notes of “What Passes For Love.” “Okay, we’re going live now.” He nodded to Erica and she made the introduction.

“We have a very special guest this morning, folks. Naughty Nick is calling in from Methodist Hospital, where he’s recovering from a little accident Thursday night. How are you feeling, Nick?”

“Never better. I’m on some awesome drugs. Between them and the sexy nurses in this place, I’m in heaven. I may never leave. Just do my show from a bed here, with a nubile young nurse on either side of me, to fluff my pillows and tuck me in.”

Adam made a face. Where did Nick come up with this stuff? “So you’d make our fund-raising bed-in a permanent thing?”

“Why not? You and Erica are enjoying it, aren’t you?”

“We’re having the time of our lives,” Erica said. “Lolling around in bed all day, waited on hand and foot. What’s not to love?”

“Yeah, but I want to know what goes on after the lights go out,” Nick said. “What kind of fun are you having, then?”

“I’ll never tell,” Erica teased. “But I will say that the Therapedic 9000 is certainly a comfortable mattress. I feel Copyright 2016 - 2024