Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,15

that she was wearing clothes, the soft cotton of her pajamas brushing against him.

Eyes still shut tight, he frowned. Since when did his dream fantasies wear clothes? And pajamas at that. If anything, this woman ought to be wearing some silky negligee. Or better yet, nothing at all.

He tugged at the edge of the pajama top, determined to remedy this matter. Obviously his subconscious wanted to make fulfilling this fantasy more challenging.

She was kissing him now, tracing the line of his jaw with her tongue. He groaned, trying to hold back the wakefulness stealing over him. Just a little longer. At least until he got her undressed and he was inside her…

Noises disrupted his concentration—footsteps, the clang of metal, distant voices drawing nearer. He winced against a sudden flare of light against his closed eyelids and groaned. Not yet. Only a few minutes more…

The dream woman gave a small squeal and shoved away from him, even as he tried to hold her.

“Adam, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

The words jerked him awake more effectively than a bucket of ice water. He opened his eyes, squinting against the glare of bright overhead lights, and stared into the frowning face of the station manager, Carl.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Carl asked again.


“NOTHING.” Adam rolled away from Erica and sat up. “We weren’t doing anything.” He slid his gaze to his bed partner. She was sitting up, too, the covers tucked up under her breasts.

The breasts that had been pressed again his chest seconds ago, so warm and soft…

He swallowed a groan and looked at Carl again. He couldn’t say the sight made him feel any better. His boss was frowning, his bottom lip jutted out.

“Are you sure it was nothing?” Carl directed the question at Erica. “You two looked pretty cozy just now.”

Erica smiled. Except for the heightened flush of her cheeks, she didn’t give away that anything out of the ordinary had happened. How was it someone who had just awakened could look so dazzling? “Don’t be silly, Carl. We’re both still fully clothed, aren’t we?”

He could think of a lot of not-so-innocent things they could do that wouldn’t require them to get undressed, but now wasn’t the time to mention them. And as long as they worked together, there wouldn’t be a time to mention them.

“See that you stay that way,” Carl grumped.

She turned toward Adam and looked at him through lowered lashes. “Adam’s been a perfect gentleman,” she said.

Right. A perfect gentleman with an incredible hard-on.

Carl looked unconvinced, but he didn’t protest. “I came by to give you some good news.”

“What’s that?” Adam asked. Were they going to end this silly stunt before it got out of hand? Not that it was exactly under control at the moment.

“Mattress Max likes what you’re doing so much that he’s pledged to donate ten thousand dollars to the Salvation Army for their shelter.”

“That’s fantastic.” Erica wrapped her arms around her knees and grinned. “That will almost double the money we’ve raised.”

“The money isn’t ours—or rather the Salvation Army’s—yet,” Carl said. “Max won’t pay it unless you stay here the full seventy-five hours. Until Monday at 9:00 a.m.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem.” She turned to Adam. “We can do it, can’t we?”

“Yeah, sure.” He tried to inject a little more cheerfulness into his voice. “We’re barely getting started here.”

Carl stepped back, and shoved his hands in his pockets. “All right, then. You can announce the offer on the air during your show. It should pump up the excitement a little. We don’t want things to start getting too dull.”

“I’m certainly not bored,” Erica said.

“Me, neither.” He was horny, frustrated, sleep-deprived and aggravated, but he wasn’t bored.

“I’d better go freshen up before the show starts.”

Both men watched as she climbed out of bed and picked up her duffel. “I’ll be right back,” she said.

When she was gone, Carl’s scowl returned. “Don’t forget this place is full of cameras,” he said.

“I know.”

“I don’t want any trouble.”

Adam resented the implication that he was a troublemaker. “You’re the one who came up with this crazy stunt.”

“And you’re the one being paid to do a good job.”

“Don’t worry.” He threw back the covers and sat up on the side of the bed. “I know how to do my job.”

“Good. You’re on in forty-five minutes.”

Forty-five minutes. Right. Forty-five minutes before he climbed back into this bed with Ms. Irresistible. Erica better hurry up and let him have his turn in the shower. He needed Copyright 2016 - 2024