Rock Me Deeper (Licks of Leather #5) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,27

Okay, so it was mostly fear that stopped me. I didn’t want to rip off my mask and risk rejection from him or the others.

“It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done.” I shrugged and reached for the lampshade.

Ross plucked it up first and frowned. “It does matter. It matters a lot if it’s making you destroy shit. But if you’re not ready to talk about—”

“I’m not.”

“Fair enough. Then I vote we clean this shit up and get some sleep.” He placed the shade on what was left of the chair’s seat and sent me a grim nod. “If or when you’re ready to talk, I’m here for you, bro.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” And I actually did, for the first time in years.

When Ross’s world fell apart, I was pissed and hurt that he turned to drugs instead of us for help and support. We’d hoped that once he’d gotten clean and sober, we’d get our easygoing, happy drummer back. But we didn’t. We got a codgity, (Emma Halloran’s favorite word) antisocial asshole. He’d stopped laughing and smiling—unless he was on stage performing. The drugs had taken away Ross’s lust for life. Nothing or no one could reach him until Quinn had dropped Harmony Sharp in his lap. The beautiful, soft-spoken mountain woman with her synergistic crystals and motivational philosophies finally touched his sleeping psyche and brought the giant back to life.

And…I might have helped just a little. I knew by the sparks flying through the air the instant Ross and Harmony clapped eyes on each other, we were all in for one hell of a show. Harmony was the epitome of pure, sweet innocence—until Ross defiled her seven ways to Sunday. I knew she flipped every switch the man possessed. Oh, he’d tried to push her away, like he’d succeeded with us, but I wasn’t going to sit back and let that happen. So, I’d poked the stubborn beast by making a few lascivious comments about tapping Harmony’s sweet ass. Thankfully, the other guys had stepped in before Ross beat me to a bloody pulp.

But in the end, Ross made the right choice and let Harmony inside his damaged soul. The change in him since was nothing short of miraculous. I wasn’t even jealous that the big prick and his girl were now making plans for their wedding.

I’d had the chance for my happy ever after with Caris and blown it.

“I think that’s the best we can do,” Ross announced, dragging me from my thoughts.

“Thanks for your help.”

Sympathy crawled across his face. “Whatever happened between you two happened for a reason. If you can’t get her back, learn the lesson she was meant to teach you and move on.”

I arched a brow at his enlightened statement and smirked. “You’ve definitely been around Harmony too long. Please, don’t start handing me crystals and shit.”

Ross flipped me off as we both stood and brushed away the drywall dust. “She is rubbing off on me, in all the right ways.”

I clapped him on the shoulder and smiled. “I’m happy for you…for both of you.”

“Me, too.” Ross nodded. “Night, man.”

“Night.” I waved as he strolled down the hall and out the door.

Sitting on the edge of the bed again, I picked up Caris’s note and read each word, over and over. With soul-numbing acceptance, I realized we were even now.

I’d left her.

She’d left me.

The end.

But it wasn’t the end. Not for me. I couldn’t erase the memory of that soul-stealing kiss we’d shared in the shower.

Earth to dumbass. If she gave two shits about you, she would have stuck around and tried to patch things up, not stolen your cash and sneaked out in the middle of the night, a little voice in my head mocked.

Resentment and frustration flared. Every cell in my body wanted to start hotel room annihilation part deux. But I feared if Ross had to return, he wouldn’t offer to help me clean up; he’d likely knock me out with one punch and leave my bitch ass on the floor.

Exhaling a heavy sigh, I stood and strolled to the sitting room. After grabbing a fresh bottle of whiskey from the bar, I sat down and started opening the rest of the fucking envelopes.

I was nearing the bottom of the pile when I discovered a contract. Skimming the documents, I noted it was between Mia and Zattman and, blessedly, unsigned.


I took a long pull of whiskey from the bottle to steel myself. And as the burn slid past my chest and Copyright 2016 - 2024