Rock Hard: A Stepbrother Romance Page 0,37

standing out back in hiking pants, hiking boots, and a tight black T-shirt when I was finally finished getting ready.

He looked back at me. “Took you long enough.”

“I can go back inside right now and take a bath.”

He laughed. “Come on.”

I had to hurry to catch up with him as he strode off into the woods. He was smiling and looked like he was having the best time of his life as he picked his way through the underbrush.

“Still not telling me where you’re taking me?”

“You’ll see.”

“You’re not kidnapping me, are you?”

He grinned. “If only you could be so lucky.”

“I don’t know. Getting locked in that van for the rest of my life doesn’t sound fun.”

“Please. There’d be conjugal visits. That would be more than enough to keep you happy.”

“You act like you have a magic dick or something.”

“I do. It’s my gift and my curse.”

I laughed. “Yeah, seems like a real problem.”

We made it to the fence around the property and he quickly climbed over it. He turned back and helped me get over it in a surprising show of manners.

Which he quickly ruined by saying, “Your ass looks great in those jeans.”

I sighed. “Thanks, I guess.”

“So when did you start working at the Blue?” he asked as we set out again.

“Not too long ago. Lindsey got me the job.”

“Still seeing that pill head?”

“She apologized for the party.”

“She should do more than apologize.”

“She got me a job.”

He shrugged. “True. I guess I have her to thank for seeing you in that uniform.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t know what it is about that uniform, Becca, but I was harder than I’d ever been as soon as I saw you.”

I blushed. “It’s just an apron and a blue shirt.”

“Yeah but you wore the fuck out of that apron. I’d love to see you in just that.”

“That’s never going to happen.”

“Never say never. I might have you begging for it soon enough.”

“I doubt it. The uniform thing is your fantasy, not mine.”

“What’s your fantasy, then? Sweaty stepbrother with a big cock?”

I couldn’t help but feel a rush run up my spine as I pictured him wearing only a tight pair of briefs, his huge bulge growing stiff under my touch. As we kept walking, I realized that I was soaking wet, mentally cursing my ruined and useless panties.

“Not exactly,” I said.

“Not exactly? Don’t tell me you’re the S and M type.”

I laughed. “No way.”

“No? I think you’d like a little spanking.”

“Okay, did you just bring me out here to talk dirty, or is there a point to all this?”

As excited as I was, I knew that I was going to have to turn back soon if he didn’t stop pushing. We were very alone out in the woods together and I didn’t trust myself not to do anything.

“We’re getting there,” he said, grinning at me. “Although I’m really enjoying the trip.”

I sighed. His smile was light piercing down through the thick canopy, and that scared me. It excited me too.

We walked for another ten minutes, picking our way around the trees. As far as I could tell, he wasn’t following a path at all. He wasn’t using a map or a compass, either, which worried me just a bit. He looked like he knew where he was going, but there was a small voice in the back of my mind that worried we were going to get lost in the woods forever.

Which was silly, because after about forty-five minutes of walking, he abruptly came to a stop.

“We’re here.”

I looked around. The patch of woods we were standing in looked exactly like every other patch of woods we had walked through. There was nothing around in sight, no tree houses or special vans or anything, just a stretch of forest continuing up ahead.

“Really nice,” I said sarcastically.

“Here,” he said and pointed at a tree.

I walked over and looked. “I’m not seeing it.”

He laughed and pointed right at a spot. Carved into the tree were two letters: R.C.

“You wanted to show me two initials someone carved into this tree?”

“Think about it for a second.”

And then it hit me. R.C. were his initials. “You did this?”

He nodded. “When we first moved here.”

“Huh. I’m amazed you remembered how to find it.”

He leaned up against the trunk. “I come here every once in a while if I feel like being alone.”

I leaned next to him. “It’s a decent spot.”

He laughed. “No, it’s not. But here.” He held out a knife for me. “Why don’t you add Copyright 2016 - 2024