The Rocchetti Queen - Bree Porter Page 0,28

piped up, “Who are you?”

I looked down, blinking rapidly. Looking up at me, no older than seven or eight, was a red-headed little girl, with big green eyes and freckles cast over her pale skin. She wore a private school uniform, but her shoes were nowhere to be seen, leaving her in flower-patterned socks.

“I’m Sophia,” was all I could think to say.

“Nora!” called a familiar voice. “Baby, what have I told you about opening the door—?” Aisling came into view, looking comfortable in faded jeans and green shirt with holes in the collar.

Her eyes nearly fell out of her head when she saw me. “Sophia?”

I waved. “Hi.”

Aisling blinked a few times before coming forward and resting a hand on her...daughter’s?... head. “Sophia, what...what are you doing here?”

“I came to pay you a visit. Is this a bad time?”

“No,” Nora piped up. “Murder She Wrote just finished.”

Aisling nodded in agreement with her daughter. “Of course not. Come in, come in. Hi Oscuro.”

He nodded, “Miss Shildrick.”

Inside the apartment was nothing like the hallway. Aisling had gone to great lengths to make the place feel homey. The walls were freshly painted, and all the furniture was chosen with care. Pictures of Nora and Aisling, paired with drawings, were scattered around the apartment.

Aisling ushered us to the green kitchen, telling me to ignore the dirty plates piled up and all of Nora’s schoolwork.

“Aisling, I really did not mean to intrude,” I said.

Nora had come over and was peering inside the pram, her red braids falling forward. Before I could warn her, Dante’s little hand stuck out and reached for her hair. She darted back, laughing, “Silly baby!” she gently scolded.

Aisling flicked on the kettle, leaning a hip against the counter. She looked so different than usual, so much more relaxed. Nothing like the dressed-up mistress that Toto the Terrible paraded around.

“It’s no trouble,” she said. “Nora, baby, why don’t you go and show Oscuro your artwork?”

Nora brightened. She turned to my bodyguard, commanding, “Come on, Mr Oscuro!” He followed, but not before checking the locks on the windows and doors.

When they were gone, Aisling leaned forward, eyes wide. “Has something happened to Salvatore? Is that why you’re here?”

“No, no, nothing like that,” I assured her. “I should have called. I... This is terribly rude.”

“You’re fine. Just...” Aisling glanced at the hallway where Nora and Oscuro had disappeared. “Don’t say anything about her. To anyone.”

“Did the McDermotts know...?”

“No.” She poured me some tea. “Nobody needs to know.” Including the Rocchettis, is what she didn’t add but implied.

I had so many questions. They bubbled up inside of me, but I kept my mouth closed. Aisling would tell me if she wanted to. “Your secret is safe with me.” Then I added, “She seems wonderful.”

Aisling’s eyes softened. “She’s a good kid. Top of her class, always winning awards and stuff.”

“I can tell.” I gestured to all the certificates on the fridge.

Dante gurgled from the pram.

“Can I?” Aisling asked.

I nodded, and she scooped him up, rocking him in her arms. “Oh, they’re so lovely when they’re this little,” she murmured. “And they smell so nice. They don’t smell like this forever, so enjoy it.”

“You should have smelled him yesterday,” I laughed.

Aisling grinned. “It is nice when they are potty-trained,” she admitted, then looked down at Dante. “But you are so cute that I forgive you for it.”

Dante seemed pleased by the attention and gurgled happily in her arms.

I couldn’t help myself, so I asked, “So my father-in-law really has no idea? Does he suspect or anything?” Toto the Terrible was not an idiot. Surely, he would have noticed if his mistress had a child.

“No. And to keep her safe, I am not going to tell him,” she said.

“How did you keep such a large secret?”

Aisling smiled briefly. “I have been trained to be a mistress since I was a child. Lying to rich men is as easy as breathing for me.”

I couldn’t fault that. In fact, I was very impressed. “Well, color me impressed.”

“Thank you.” She mockingly bowed. “Are you hungry? I can offer you a PB&J sandwich...or a sandwich with PB&J.”

“Both sound delicious.”

Aisling passed me back Dante to make up lunch. I couldn’t help but notice the scarcity of food in the fridge and cupboards. I wasn’t going to bring it up—that would be extremely rude—but my concern for her was beginning to outweigh my politeness.

“Where does Nora go to school?” I asked.

Aisling named one of the more prestigious academic schools in the area, which also cost Copyright 2016 - 2024