The Rocchetti Queen - Bree Porter Page 0,15

anything more.

“I’m going to miss Elena,” she said suddenly. “It is heartbreaking that we couldn’t go to the wedding.”

When I had asked Alessandro if we could go to the Falcone territory to see Elena get married, he gave me a glare so hard it looked like his face was going to break. I imagine Pietro had a similar reaction to Beatrice’s request.

“Me too,” I murmured. “I made her swear to call me as soon as she could.”

“It’s not the same as being there,” Beatrice said. Then sighed. “But what can you do? Hopefully, he is kind to her. I’m sure she will make sure he treats her well.”

“Alessandro said Thaddeo is a good man,” I assured her, trying to help ease some of her anxieties. “I’m sure he will be good to Elena.”

That did make Beatrice feel better and she expressed her excitement over everyone in our little trio being wed.

I was listening to her when I spotted a familiar, handsome gray head striding toward me. Pigeons fluttered furiously as the mayor disturbed them, the effect almost comical.

“Fucking birds!” he snapped, then straightened his tie and continued toward me.

“Beatrice, I’m going to have to go. I will call you later?” I hung up, eyeing the approaching mayor. In the sunlight, paired with his Botox and waxy smile, he looked like he could melt.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted Oscuro walking toward us, his expression dark.

“Can I help you, sir?” I asked, letting him know that I had seen him upset the pigeons and thought it was hilarious.

Ericson smoothed down his gray hair, giving me a foul look. “I did not expect to see you here, Mrs Rocchetti,” he said. “Did we have a meeting that I missed?”

Oscuro reached us, but I held up a hand, signaling him to stay back until I needed him. “I was meeting with the Historical Society, so no. No forgotten engagement on your part.”

“Historical Society? How lucky. Is Salisbury still here?”

Ericson knew very well that Salisbury had not shown up to a Historical Society meeting since his very public loss. According to his wife, the former mayor was still cooped up in his house, nursing his bruised ego. When I had told my husband this, he had rolled his eyes and told me all politicians were fucking useless babies.

I was beginning to agree.

“Salisbury is on holiday with his wife. The Bahamas, according to his last postcard,” I lied. Who was going to dispute it? Salisbury wasn’t leaving his house. “Did you not get a postcard?”

Ericson did not approve of my attempt at humor. “Can I just give you my condolences again?” he asked, his tone sleazy. “Your brother-in-law tells me the family is taking it very hard.” Did he, now?

“Chicago is taking it hard,” I told him. “Don Piero was a—what was it you said? A staple of our community.”

“It will be very difficult to replace him,” he said. “But not impossible.”

I smiled at the mayor. His tone implied that he thought he might be a better fit for Chicago. I bet his FBI contacts had fed that narrative into his brain.

Did Ericson really think he would be able to replace Don Piero? Did the FBI truly think that?

“No,” I mused. “Not impossible.” But it’s not going to be you. “I have places to be, Alphonse. So, if you’ll excuse me...”

The mayor was not willing to let me leave so soon. “You should value these last moments in Chicago,” he mocked. “Because I’m the mayor now, Rocchetti wife, and I am going to make your family beg for mercy.”

I couldn’t help my growing smile. “Oh, really? And how do you plan to do that? Steal all the prostitutes? Cause an STD breakout? I would love to hear your diabolical plan.”

“You make jokes now,” Ericson snarled. “But the FBI knows more about your family than you know about them. And they’re gearing up to destroy you and your filthy little organization.”

Oscuro stepped forward but I waved him back. Ericson by himself wasn’t much of a threat, but with the backing of the FBI? And/or Salvatore Jr? He could very well prove to be trouble.

What had I said to him last time he had threatened me?

It’s not them you should be worried about.

“Of course,” I agreed. “Whatever you feel is best. You will forgive my organization if we do the same thing.” I stepped to the side, causing a pigeon stepping to the side to make way. “Take care of yourself, Ericson. Enjoy your last Copyright 2016 - 2024