Robert Ludlum's the Bourne Evolution - Brian Freeman Page 0,123

long. He studied his surroundings and noticed the glint of broken glass on the terrace floor and furniture tipped over. He spotted three of the tech cabal’s CEOs hovering in the background, pacing near the top-floor railings with a kind of shell shock.

“Medusa?” he asked, hearing the ragged sound of his own voice.

“Gone,” Nelly told him. “Gabriel Fox and that awful woman hijacked one of the helicopters. They kidnapped the pilot and escaped.”

“How many dead?”

“Sadly, we’re still counting. The carnage is appalling. Fortunately, the majority of us—not just the tech cabal but most of the estate staff—were able to take refuge on the top floor when the assault began. Medusa never got to us, but that’s only because you wiped most of them out. Had you not arrived when you did, I have no doubt that we’d all be dead right now. We’re enormously grateful.”

Bourne said nothing.

Nelly looked as if she were trying to make sense of the man in front of her and all she could find were contradictions. “Obviously, I was wrong about you, Jason. We all were. We were convinced that Medusa had exploited your psychological damage and turned you against us.”

“It was a setup,” Bourne replied. “A very good one.”

“Yes, so it seems. We should have been helping you, and instead—”

“Instead, you were trying to kill me,” he replied.

“I’m afraid so. I won’t apologize, because we both know that’s how the game is played. We make choices based on the information we have. I doubt you would have expected us to act any differently.”

“You’re right.”

“Nonetheless, I’m curious, Jason, why you went to so much trouble to save us.”

He shrugged. “It wasn’t selfless on my part, if that’s what you’re thinking. I don’t care what happens to you. The only way out for me is to expose the conspiracy. Until then, I’m a wanted man. I’d rather not live the rest of my life on the run.”

A smile played around the edges of Nelly’s lips, as if she didn’t believe him. “Well, whatever your motives, I’m glad you were here.”

“Are the police on their way?” Bourne asked.

“Oh, yes. Bahamian police and navy. FBI. CIA. We’ll be inundated soon enough. I waited as long as I could, but there’s no way we could keep an incident like this under wraps. It’s going to be worldwide news.”

He nodded. “I can’t stay here. I need to go.”

“Yes, I assumed that was the case. I wish I could help you, but the authorities won’t take my word for your innocence. If the U.S. government finds you, you’ll be arrested, and after that, I suspect you’ll simply disappear. Anyway, I’ve arranged for fresh clothes and any supplies you may need. Do you want a transport back to Nassau or Freeport? I can get you shuttled there discreetly and put on a private plane wherever you need to go.”

Bourne shook his head. “A friend of mine is waiting for me on a boat offshore. At least, I hope he still is. If you have a sat phone, I’ll call him.”

“Are you sure? The least we can do is arrange your getaway.”

“No offense, Nelly, but I don’t trust anyone in the tech cabal.”

“I suppose we deserve that,” she said.

“It’s not just because you’ve been trying to kill me. You’re compromised. You have a spy.”

Nelly looked around to make sure they were out of earshot. “What do you mean?”

“Medusa has someone inside the cabal.”

“Are you sure?”

“There’s no other explanation. The assault team knew too much. They knew where the tunnel was and how to get through. They knew the power specs for the island. They were familiar with your defenses and the layout of the estate. Someone on the inside had to give them that kind of information. It could have been someone on the security team, but it could have been one of your CEOs, too.”

“I can’t believe that’s possible,” Nelly said. “I know these people backward and forward.”

“Like you knew me?” Bourne asked.

She frowned. “That’s a fair point.”

“All I’m saying is, you don’t know who to trust, and neither do I. That means I’m safer working on my own.”


“The one thing that would be helpful right now is a new gun. And ammunition.”

“I’m sure that can be arranged. I take it that means you’re still going after them. You’re going after Medusa.”

“They’re not done,” Bourne replied. “A setback like this won’t make them stop.”

“So how will you track them down? Where do you think they’re planning to strike next?”

Bourne said nothing. Nelly read Copyright 2016 - 2024