A Memory of Light(88)

Elayne drew her lips into a line.

"Why do you hide it?" Bashere asked. "I’ve heard what some of the men think. They talk of some other man, a Darkfriend named Mellar, once Captain of your Guardswomen. I can see that the rumors are false, but others are not so wise. You could kill those rumors if you wished".

"Rand’s children will be targets", she said.

"Ah . . ". he replied. He knuckled his mustache for a moment.

"If you disagree with the reasoning, Bashere, speak your mind. I will not suffer a toady".

"I’m no toady, woman", he said with a huff. "But regardless, I hardly doubt your child could be a greater target than he or she already is. You’re high commander of the armies of the Light! I think your men deserve to know what exactly they’re fighting for".

"It is not your business to know", Elayne said, "nor is it theirs".

Bashere raised an eyebrow at her. "The heir to the realm", he said flatly, "is not the business of its subjects?"

"I believe you are overstepping your bounds, General".

"Perhaps I am", he said. "Maybe spending so much time with the Lord Dragon has warped the way I do things. That man . . . you could never tell what he was thinking. Half of the time, he wanted to hear my mind, as raw as I could lay it out. The other half of the time, it seemed like he’d break me in two just for commenting that the sky looked a little dark". Bashere shook his head. "Just give it some thought, Your Majesty. You remind me of my daughter. She might have done something similar, and this is the advice I’d give her. Your men will fight more bravely if they know that you carry the Dragon Reborns heir".

Men, Elayne thought. The young ones try to impress me with every stunt that comes into their fool heads. The old ones assume every young woman is in need of a lecture.

She turned her eyes toward the city again as Birgitte rode up and gave her a nod. The basements were filled with oil and pitch.

"Burn it", Elayne said loudly.

Birgitte waved a hand. The Kinswomen opened their round of gateways, and men hurled lit torches through into the basements of Caemlyn. It didn’t take long for the smoke rising above the city to grow darker, more ominous.

"They won’t soon put that out", Birgitte said softly. "Not with the dry weather we’ve been having. The entire city will go up like a haystack".

The army gathered to stare at the city, particularly the members of the Queen’s Guard and the Andoran military. A few of them saluted, as one might salute the pyre of a fallen hero.

Elayne ground her teeth, then said, "Birgitte, make it known among the Guards. The children I carry were fathered by the Dragon Reborn".

Bashere’s smile deepened. Insufferable man! Birgitte was smiling as she went to spread the word. She was insufferable, too.

The men of Andor seemed to stand taller, prouder, as they watched their capital burn. Trollocs started pouring from the gates, driven by the fires. Elayne made sure the Trollocs saw her army, then announced, "Northward!" She turned Moonshadow. "Caemlyn is dead. We take to the forests; let the Shadowspawn follow!"

Androl awoke with dirt in his mouth. He groaned, trying to roll over, but found himself bound in some way. He spat, licked his lips and blinked crusty eyes.

He lay with Jonneth and Emarin against an earthen wall, tied by ropes. He remembered . . . Light! The roof had fallen in.

Pevara? he sent. Incredible how natural that method of communication was beginning to feel.

He was rewarded with a groggy sensation from her. The bond let him know that she was nearby, probably tied up as well. The One Power was also lost to him; he clawed at it, but ran up against a shield. His bonds were tied to some kind of hook in the ground behind him, hindering his movement.

Androl shoved panic down with some effort. He couldn’t see Nalaam. Was he here? The group of them lay tied in a large chamber, and the air smelled of damp earth. They were still underground in a part of Taim’s secret complex.

If the roof fell in, Androl thought, the cells were probably destroyed. That explained why he and the others were tied up, but not locked away.

Someone was sobbing.

He strained around and found Evin tied nearby. The younger man wept, shaking.

"It’s all right, Evin", Androl whispered. "We’ll find a way out of this".

Evin glanced at him, shocked. The youth was tied in a different way, in a seated position, hands behind his back. "Androl? Androl, I’m sorry".

Androl felt a twisting emotion. "For what, Evin?"