A Memory of Light(71)

"Insufferable woman", Nynaeve grumbled as she wiped a tear from the other eye.

"Moiraine", Egwene said. "You’ve come at just the right time".

"I have a knack for that".

"Well", Egwene continued as Rand stepped back up to the table, "Rand . . . the Dragon Reborn . . . has decided to hold this land for ransom to his demands, refusing to do his duty unless we agree to his whims".

Moiraine pursed her lips, taking up the contract for the Dragon’s Peace as Galad set it on the table for her. She scanned it.

"Who is this woman?" Roedran said. "And why do we—Would you stop that!" He raised a hand as if he’d been smacked by a thread of Air, then glared at Egwene—however, this time one of the nearby Asha’man was the one who smelled satisfied.

"Nice shot, Grady", Perrin whispered.

"Thank you, Lord Perrin".

Grady would know her only by legend, of course, but tales of Moiraine had spread among those who followed Rand.

"Well?" Egwene said.

" ‘And it shall come to pass that what men made shall be shattered,’ " Moiraine whispered. " ‘The Shadow shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One shall once more lay his hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men quail as the nations of the earth are rent like rotting cloth. Neither shall anything stand nor abide.’ "

The people shuffled their feet. Perrin looked questioningly at Rand.

" ‘Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow,’ " Moiraine said more loudly. " ‘Born once more as he was born before and shall be born again, time without end! The Dragon shall be Reborn, and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth. In sackcloth and ashes shall he clothe the people, and he shall break the world again by his coming, tearing apart all ties that bind!

" ‘Like the unfettered dawn shall he blind us, and burn us, yet shall the Dragon Reborn confront the Shadow at the Last Battle, and his blood shall give us the Light. Let tears flow, O ye people of the world. Weep for your salvation!’ "

"Aes Sedai", Darlin said, "pardon, but that is very ominous".

"At least it shall be a salvation", Moiraine said. "Tell me, Your Majesty. That prophecy commands you to shed tears. Are you to weep because your salvation comes with such pain and worry? Or, instead, are you to weep for your salvation? For the man who will suffer for you? The only one we know for certain will not walk away from this fight?"

She turned to Rand.

"These demands are unfair", Gregorin said. "He requires us to keep our borders as they are!"

" ‘He shall slay his people with the sword of peace,’ " Moiraine said, " ‘and destroy them with the leaf.’ "

It’s The Karaethon Cycle. I’ve heard these words before.

"The seals, Moiraine", Egwene said. "He’s planning to break them. He defies the authority of the Amyrlin Seat".

Moiraine did not look surprised. Perrin suspected she’d been listening outside before entering. It was very like her.

"Oh, Egwene", Moiraine said. "Have you forgotten? ‘The unstained tower breaks and bends knee to the forgotten sign . . .’ "

Egwene blushed.

" ‘There can be no health in us, nor any good thing grow,’ " Moiraine quoted, " ‘for the land is one with the Dragon Reborn, and he one with the land. Soul of fire, heart of stone.’ "

She looked to Gregorin. " ‘In pride he conquers, forcing the proud to yield.’ "

To the Borderlanders. " ‘He calls upon the mountains to kneel . . .’ "

To the Sea Folk. " ‘ . . . and the seas to give way.’ "

To Perrin, then Berelain. " ‘ . . . and the very skies to bow.’ "

To Darlin. " ‘Pray that the heart of stone remembers tears . . .’ "