Road Tripped (Satan's Devils MC Utah #1) - Manda Mellett Page 0,56


“You called me babe before,” I remind him.

“Yeah but knowing your name would help.” He stands, grimacing slightly when he puts the weight on his leg, but it seems to hold him up.

“No, it wouldn’t.” Swinging around, I present my back to him, but he touches my shoulder and makes me turn back.

“Hmm,” he says, thoughtfully, “Shall I guess? You don’t look like a Tami, or a Mary. Ann seems too plain. Savannah? Nah, too fancy, perhaps.”

“Stick to babe,” I suggest again.

Overhearing, Rascal snorts. “Keep guessing,” he calls out to Road.

I start worrying he’ll hit on it by accident.

“Paris? London? Chelsea?”

“I’m not fuckin’ named after a place or football club,” I sneer.

Road shakes his head. “You know my name. You know everything about me. So what’s the harm in me knowing yours. Unless you’re keeping your real one secret for a reason. Don’t fuckin’ like that. It’s not as if I’m not putting myself in a world of hurt to help you out.”

“No need to keep names secret. I’m Sawyer Young. Pleased to meet ya.” Honor waves his hand toward Road, then raises a challenging eyebrow at me.

I press my lips tightly closed.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Snatcher comes over, knocking against my shoulder. “Her given name’s Karen. Karen Swift. Swift seemed good enough as a road name, and as she already came with it, there was no reason for a change.”

I growl deep in my throat. “No jokes, Road. No fuckin’ jokes.”

“Jokes?” To his credit, he looks completely bemused.

While Honor just can’t help himself, he comes up to my other side and puts a friendly arm around my shoulders. “Yeah, we’ve got our very own Karen.”

He gets my fist in his stomach and I didn’t pull the punch. Bastard was ready for me though.

“Wanker,” I snarl at him.

He makes a gesture imitating jerking himself off.

“I don’t understand,” Road says quietly.

“Karen’s been hijacked to refer to a privileged white woman,” I explain, keeping my voice equally low and maintaining one careful eye on Honor. “There are tons of jokes and memes on the internet.”

“That’s not fuckin’ fair.” Road too, now glares at Honor. “It’s your fuckin’ name, you’re entitled to use it without anyone saying anything about it.”

As Honor opens his mouth, Snatcher interrupts. “Jesus. Kids. Just fuckin’ leave it. And you, Honor, not one more word.” As the VP wipes his hand over his face, clearly exasperated, the front door opens and Piston, thankfully, walks in carrying a bottle.

“Okay, then.” Snatcher seems to gain in stature as he straightens. “Let’s get this show on the road. You and Road head out, we’ll follow behind.”

I raise my chin knowing exactly the role I’m going to play. Though it might stick in my claw, I’m to simper and be Road’s girlfriend. Until the guns come out, that is, and then I’ll be showing my true colours.

I’m driving again, well, we’ve already pretended it’s my car, both of us wearing our headphone/mic earpieces, and in my other ear, my normal hearing aid. I’m glad to see Road’s all seriousness now, sitting beside me, completely still. I had expected he might display some nervous energy, want to make small talk, or bounce his good leg to betray his nerves, but instead he appears one hundred percent focused. It’s a stance I can admire.

We’re coming up the road and turn into the driveway.

“Stay in your seat until I come around,” Road says.

I want to protest, but this is all part of the plan, so I patiently wait for Road to come around, heavily leaning on his stick.

“We’re in position,” Snatcher says into my ear.

Game on.

“I still don’t think—” Road starts, his voice strong and clear.

“Darlin’,” I go up on tiptoe, taking advantage of my position to tangle my hands into his hair, taking the opportunity to find it’s just as silky as it looks. “I want to say thank you.”

I’m not the only one taking advantage. He lowers his head, brushes his lips against mine, then cradles his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me in tight. I resist the urge to raise my knee to his balls as his mouth presses on mine and his tongue sweeps inside. Instead, I bite his lip.

“Bitch,” he says under his breath, his eyes twinkling with mirth as he pulls back.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” an annoyed Weaver asks, the front door having been opened. I’ve not been unaware, I’d noticed out of the corner of my eye.

“Oh.” I grab hold of Road’s hand, Copyright 2016 - 2024