Road Tripped (Satan's Devils MC Utah #1) - Manda Mellett Page 0,52

Swift in. She brushes past the man by the door, ignoring both him and his companion. Her eyes focus on me conveniently situated directly in her straight line of sight.

“Oh, darling. What on earth have you done? I warned you, didn’t I? I said it was far too soon to start running again. Hey, have you got your hearing aid switched on?”

I suppose I hadn’t been listening to her words, more intent on what Tub and Weaver had been doing in case they decide to keep us both here.

“Yeah, sorry, babe. I’m just in pain.”

“She’s got a fuckin’ hearing aid as well,” Tub remarks.

She turns and gives them the kind of smile I wish she’d give to me. “That’s how we met. Lucas lost his hearing and was being fitted for his first hearing aid. I’d gone to have mine checked. Strange how things work out. It was love at first sight. I invited—”

“Don’t want your whole fuckin’ life story,” Weaver interrupts.

“Babe, I’m in pain,” I add, not wanting to wear out our welcome. “Please, I need to see the doc.”

Tub goes to help me up, but Swift waves him off, helping me to my feet expertly as though she’s done it a hundred times before. Then, as soon as we’re out the door, it slams shut.

“Thank you for coming to get me,” I tell her in case they’re still listening.

“Come on, lover. Let’s get you sorted.”

I pucker my lips as though for a kiss, but she ignores me as she opens the door of the SUV.

“Babe,” I tell her, tapping my mouth.

“I’m going to get you back for this,” she hisses, as I settle into the seat, and she loops her hand around my neck, and puts her lips against mine. My arms entrap her, pulling her close. My mouth moves over hers and my tongue presses against the seam. She allows it, but only for a second, then presses her fingernails painfully into my neck. But she’s smiling as I release her.

“All for show,” I murmur, as she gets into the driver’s seat. “They could be watching.”

“Damn you, Road,” she says as she does a U-turn and drives out onto the street. “Don’t you ever do that again.”

I reach down and stretch my leg, putting the right pressure on the right places, and then let out a heartfelt sigh of relief as at last I can pop it back into place. I can start breathing normally again.

“Didn’t you like it?” I ask her, knowing she’d deny it. “I did.”

“I’d quit now while you’re ahead,” a voice full of laughter says in my ear. “I think you’ve seen what Swift can do.”

I have. I take the hint and close my mouth. Doesn’t stop me grinning however, nor remembering the touch of her lips on mine.

“Where are we headed?” I ask, seeing her following the GPS.

“Duty got us an Airbnb that’s quite close,” she explains, her eyes fixed firmly on the road. “We’re going to regroup there, examine the footage the drone sent back, and that bug is transmitting loud and clear by the way. We can hear everything they’re saying. Good job, Road.”

“I didn’t hear any sounds from the house.” I lean my head back, while simultaneously massaging my knee. It aches, but at least that sickening pain has faded away.

“I’ve got Bolt and Stormy trying to dig into who Tub and Weaver might be.” The words sound into my ear. “How far away are you, Swift?”

“Five minutes.”

She’s right. Five minutes later after a journey completed in silence as I’m mindful of the people listening to everything we say, we draw up to a pleasant enough house not far from the beach.

“Careful,” Swift warns me as I go to get out of the SUV.

I make sure I am careful. I pick my steps once again as I head into the house. I remove the ear bud when I get feedback howling at me.

“Come in.” Snatcher who’s opened the door hurries us in. “Duty’s come back to us. Those names were useful, thanks, Road.” He raises his chin my way. “Tub could have been anyone, but paired with Weaver’s name, Duty’s managed to track them down. They’ve just come out of jail after doing a stretch for larceny.”

“Could have gotten the idea for kidnapping inside,” Thor yells over. “One of the inmates they were particularly tight with was in for a kidnapping gone wrong. In his case, he got life as the kid died.”

“Murder?” Swift asks, snatching a sandwich off Copyright 2016 - 2024