Road Tripped (Satan's Devils MC Utah #1) - Manda Mellett Page 0,165

a start. I see we haven’t come to the city proper, in fact we seem to be pulling into a farm. No, not a farm. Are those kennels?

The barking of numerous dogs tells me I’m right on the money. I just can’t think what we’ve come here for.

As Road parks and I open the door, the scent of the country—and dogs—assails me. I look around, always wary of any new situation, but there doesn’t appear to be any threat here, only a middle-aged woman approaching. Despite her non-threatening appearance, my training makes me examine her carefully, noting her hair’s tied up in a messy bun and her t-shirt is awry, as though she’s just been roughhousing with some of the pets she seems to have.

The mystery deepens as to why we’re here. Is she a friend of Road’s? He’s got no relatives, so she can’t be an eccentric aunt, which is exactly what she resembles.

“Mr Winchester?”

Road holds out his hand. “Luc, please. And you must be Muriel? This is my partner, Karen.”

She doesn’t laugh, doesn’t smirk, just gives me a welcoming smile, so I forgive Road’s use of my first name.

“Well, come on back, and you can meet him.”

Meet who? Seems I don’t know Road as well as I thought as I still don’t have a clue what we’re doing here. Even less so when she leads us to a kennel where a beautiful black cocker spaniel with gleaming fur is lying on his side, soaking up some sunshine that’s found its way into the kennel. At our approach, he bounds up and is immediately up on his hind legs pawing at the wire door and emitting little whines. His tail is beating back and forth so fast the movement blurs.

“This is him. Apollo.”

Does Road want to get a dog? I frown. Surely this is something that partners should discuss, especially as he’s moving into my house.

“Apollo, sit. Show your manners,” Muriel instructs.

As the dog’s bottom hits the floor fast, I note he’s well trained. I’ll give him that.

“Can he come out?” Road asks.

No, no. Don’t let him out. In my line of work I never thought about getting a dog and taking on the responsibility that goes along with being a doggy mum. He looks so cute there’s a risk I might get attached to him and consider a canine in my life. I notice he also looks well bred, and not one I’d expect to find in need of adoption. Not a pup, nor an old dog. In his prime I expect.

But the door’s opened, and, ignoring Road, Apollo comes straight to me. He sits at my feet and tilts his head. I can’t resist. Sinking to my haunches, I make a fuss of him.

“He’s two years old,” Muriel speaks to Road over my head. I’m only half listening as I have to admit to already having my heart stolen. Perhaps Road did right bringing me here if he wants to adopt him. If he’d spoken about it, I’d have said I wouldn’t countenance a dog, but now that I’ve met him…

“The other person?” Road prompts.

“Found she was allergic to dog hair. She tried antihistamines, but the longer she had him, the worse it got.” I sense Muriel tut-tutting.

“And how long was he with her?” Road asks.

“About four months.”

“He’s cute.” I feel I ought to say something. But cute is not a good enough word to describe him. If he’s in need of a loving home, I might just have one.

I stand, surprised at the direction of my thoughts. This isn’t me. I don’t make snap decisions, well, only those necessary in the heat of a battle. In my everyday life, I’m normally cautious. I try to resist petting the spaniel any more than I already have. I need to be sensible. I won’t dismiss the possibility, but Road and I need to consider the implications carefully, if indeed that’s the reason he’s brought me.

My eyes narrow as Road takes out his phone, and rudely, to my mind, places a call right in front of Muriel. My phone rings in my pocket. I frown, wondering who’s calling me right now. Both of us on the phone at once would be the height of impoliteness.

Apollo cocks his head and immediately puts his paw on my leg. My phone stops ringing. The dog takes his paw away.

Then it rings for a second time, and again doggy toes rest on my shin.

Muriel laughs at my look of confusion. “Your man here Copyright 2016 - 2024