A Road Trip to Remember - Judith S. Keim Page 0,60

“I need to get my car before the kids get out of school. I’m bringing them in to see Dad and will need my own ‘wheels,’ as you always say, Gran.”

“That was the beginning of my idea for a road trip,” said Gran, winking at her.

Blythe hugged Gran, so happy for her. “It was a trip to remember.”

“As soon as Constance comes back, I’m going to leave for New Life,” said Gran. “Donovan is covering for me there, but it’s unfair for him to have to oversee the moving of my furniture.”

Blythe gave her a little wave. “Okay, I’ll see you later. Call me if there are any changes with Dad.”

“I will, but I don’t expect any,” Gran said. “Go, you two, and have fun. It’s a beautiful day out there. A ‘high sparkler’ as they might say ‘down-east’ in Maine.”

As Blythe and Logan left the hospital, she filled him in on her father’s condition. “It’s sad to see him so unresponsive, so confused.”

“How long do they expect that to last?” Logan asked her, looking concerned.

“I don’t know. It’s not unusual with this type of injury. The doctor told us his brain needs time to heal. It hasn’t been that long.”

Logan turned to her. “Then why does your grandmother want to talk to me about working for her for six months? I mean, it sounds perfect, but your Dad might not be happy about it.”

“Gran has this plan to give my dad more time to himself. He’s never really wanted to be in the business, but he stepped up when his father was ill. She wants to give him his freedom to teach and do other things.”

“That sounds reasonable,” Logan said. “What about when it’s time for me to leave?”

“That’s something we’ll have to think about later,” said Blythe. “Gran and I will be working together as much as possible. Come January, I know she and Donovan will want to head south. That’s another problem that will have to be solved.”

“Yeah, I thought they’d want to be where it’s warm,” said Logan.

“Yes. Who could blame them? By the way, have you talked to Curtis? What does he think about his father’s engagement?

“He wanted to know all about your grandmother. He was worried about her being after Donovan’s money. I told him not to worry; she was the best thing to ever happen to him.”

“My father wondered the same thing about Donovan.”

They laughed together.

“Guess it’s going to be all right,” said Logan. “Who knew they’d get engaged in such a hurry?”

“Ever since Gran moved to New Life, she’s decided to live her life to the fullest for as long as she can. That’s why she made the plan for the road trip. She wanted to see old friends. Especially Donovan.”

“I really like your grandmother,” said Logan. “More people should be like her.”

“I agree,” said Blythe. When she saw the Uber car pull up and signal them, she grabbed hold of his arm and hurried to the curb.


Later, at the car dealership, Blythe inspected her car. Everything was in good shape.

“Cool car,” Logan said.

“A total surprise, but I love it,” Blythe admitted. “I’m glad it’s fairly small because parking in Boston can be difficult. Thank goodness, my condo comes with a secure parking spot.” She checked the time. “It’s early. Do you want to head into town? I want to do more work at the condo. First, I need to make a couple of stops for groceries and supplies. I already bought some things, but I need a whole lot more.”

He shrugged. “Sure. I’ve got the afternoon free. Tonight, I’m finally meeting up with my buddy. I’ll be bunking in with him for a few days until I decide what I’m going to do on a more permanent basis. If his place is suitable, I might just stay there. We’ve talked about it.”

As Blythe shopped for groceries, she was pleased to see once again that Logan was a real foodie. The thought of them occasionally cooking or eating together was exciting. She loved to try new things and wanted to do more creative cooking now that she lived on her own.

Later, as Logan helped her carry groceries inside, Blythe wondered if living with him would be this easy, then quickly told herself to stop thinking of it. With her current circumstances and problems lurking in the future, she couldn’t afford to have such thoughts. What she needed to do was concentrate on learning all she could about the business, so her father

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