Risks of Temptation (Behind Closed Doors #6) - Maggie Cole Page 0,80

do you mean?"

"She has a daughter. She'd be five now. Santiago took her a few days after she got to his compound."

"Her daughter wasn't listed on the paperwork."

"Why wouldn't she be?" I ask.

"William only reported Penelope missing, or Louis intentionally removed her."

My heart hurts thinking about her little girl. "Her name is Millie. Penelope said Axel promised he would look for her."

Malin's face hardens. "I will talk to Gustave about this, and we will try to find out where she is."

"Do you think Santiago is hurting her?"

His voice lowers. "I hope not."

There's another knock.

"Come in," Malin says.

Bernadette steps in. "There are two carts of clothes. Should I wheel them in?"

I kiss Malin on the cheek and rise. "Please."

He pats my ass. "I'll be in the other room."

"All right."

He helps Bernadette with the carts then disappears. Everything is hanging in plastic or bags. She smiles. "Can I see what you got?"

"Yes. I was going to ask if you can do my makeup tonight? I don't know how to do it. Maybe you could show me?"

Her eyes twinkle. "Sure. And are you doing okay?"

"Yes. You were right about everything."

She nods. "I see."

"And I understand why you did what you did during training. Thank you."

She takes a deep breath. "Malin didn't do anything with those women. I gave you those photos so you would hate him and make it through."

"I know. He told me. You don't have to explain anything."

Her eyes meet mine. "You understand all eyes are still on you? Malin and you will still need to prove over the next few weeks to months that you have submitted to him?"

"Yes. But I have."

"It's him I'm worried about."

I nod. "Me, too."

She puts her hand on her neck and steps to the window. "I've never had anyone to talk to about any of this. If there's anything you want to discuss..."

"I want to know about tonight."

She turns. "What aspect?"

"Will it be similar to the room?"

"You mean, will there be sex everywhere?"

My stomach flutters. "Yes."

She crosses her arms. "At some point. There are no set standards. It will seem like an ordinary dinner party at first, minus the conversation. You and Malin will not be on display and can leave when he chooses. But no one is being auctioned, gifted, or exhibited."

I go to the first cart and raise the plastic. A rose pink, almost nude, minidress is under it. "What are you wearing tonight? I don't normally wear these types of clothes."

She smiles and comes over. "Wear that dress. You'll look gorgeous in it."

"The neckline is perfect for my collar."

She puts her hand on mine. "Malin won't make you wear it tonight."

"But I can, right?"

Surprise fills her face. "If he allows it."

"Then I'm wearing it."

She tilts her head. "Why?"

"Two reasons. Malin needs to remember he owns me. And I want every other man in the room to know I'm his, and they can't have me."

Bernadette stays silent for a moment. "I understand. Gustave was trained for years by his father and still didn't fully comprehend he needed to submit into the world as much as I had to submit to him."


I stay quiet, comprehending what she is telling me.

Her lips turn up. "What else is in these bags?"

"What I asked for."

She pulls a black lace lingerie set out of a bag. In a teasing tone she says, "I see." She grabs all the bags and takes them to the bed.

I follow her lead. One by one, we pull the outfits out.

When the bed is covered in them, she says, "I'd say Malin bought you quite the collection."

"Which one should I wear under the dress? I don't want to look innocent tonight. I want to look sexy but sophisticated. Like I know what I'm doing."

She gets the dress and holds it up while glancing between it and the bed. She picks up a gold strapless bra. It's made of intricate, soft lace and silk. Ribbon is meant to zig-zag around my torso and attaches to crotchless panties. She sets it next to a matching gold garter belt and black stockings. "This will be beautiful with your hair, skin tone, and eyes."

"Okay. Let's look at shoes."

A dozen boxes are on the cart. We open several until I get to a matching pinkish nude pair of stilettos. "Perfect." I hold them out. "Are you able to do my hair up? I don't want it covering my neck."

She teases, "You're committed, huh?"

"Yes. But I still want Malin to be able to pull or fist it."

She purses her

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