Risks of Temptation (Behind Closed Doors #6) - Maggie Cole Page 0,60

on for Malin to use on you."

I gasp. "They vote?"

"Yes. The planning for the night is in motion. The moment Malin bought you, every man who will be in the room received your photo. They are intently studying it, thinking about all the ways they want to see you break and also pleasured. By the time the evening arrives, their desperation to watch you will be boiling in their blood. They will crave to touch you so much, you'll feel their breath on your skin when they come to assess you."

My mouth goes dry. "Assess me?"


"Malin won't let them touch me," I claim.

"No. But they will all get as close to you as possible without laying a finger on you. And the President is not happy he was outbid. Expect him to be close to you all night."

"I... I... I don't think I can do this."

She steps in front of me and with her gloved hand, puts the black object in front of me. "Would you rather Malin take another woman?"

"No," I whisper.

"Do you want to be sent to a whorehouse, broken in, and then put up for auction?"


"Then you will deal with it. Take a deep breath."


She pauses then holds the object in front of my face. "This is a G-Spot bullet. This round part goes into your body. This tail part is to stimulate your clitoris."

My stomach flips with nerves. "Uncuff me and let me put it in."

"No. You must get used to others doing things to your body. You will not be allowed to touch these things. It is part of submitting. Now take a deep breath, and it will slide in easily."

I obey, and she slides it into my sex.

I gasp. The gel is cold but warms quickly. I feel full, and she arranges the tail so it's on top of my clit.


I take a few shaky breaths.

"There. Not so scary, right?"

I nod. So I just have to lie here? Okay, I can do this.

She removes her glove then puts another one on. She adds more lube and puts it on another black object. It's shaped like a pointy egg and has a square base.

"What are you doing? I can't put anything else in me."

Bernadette steps back in front of me. "This is for your bottom."

"What?" I cry out.

"It's a butt plug. You need to be prepared."



I obey, but my chest tightens. I've heard of anal sex but never understood how anything would even fit there.

"The key to everything is to relax. If you relax, and it's done right, you will enjoy it."

"I...the night of...we..."

"Not necessarily. It depends on what Malin and the Global Leaders want. You must prepare. This will help. We will increase the size in a few days."


"Emilia, relax, and take a deep breath."

"I don't want to."

"Would you rather not be ready?"

She's right. Oh God.

"If you do not prepare and they choose this for you, he will split you in two. Now submit."

I close my eyes and inhale. My sex begins to pulse. I squirm but can't go anywhere. I try to move my arms, but the spikes from the cuffs poke into me and remind me not to move. "Why am I tingling and feeling hot?"

"It's from the gel. I'm putting this in now." The cold object hits my anus, and I tense up.

"Relax, or this won't go in."

I manage to relax, and she slides it in.

"Oh God! Too much!" I've never felt so full. I might rip from being so stretched. The bottom of the plug hits my cheeks.

She pulls off the glove and tosses it in the trash. "There. You did it."

"How long do I have to sit like this?" I wiggle my lower body as the tingles intensify.

"Until it's over."

"What does that mean?"

Bernadette pushes my hair on both sides behind my ears. "There is no clock in the room, Emilia. No set rules or boundaries exist besides no touching unless Malin gives someone permission. You must deal with things for hours if necessary. Tonight, you will be edged."

"I... I don't know what that is."

She pulls two remotes out of her pocket. "I will control what you feel. If you beg too early, we will stop and start over. If you have an orgasm, I will end it as soon as it begins. When you break tonight, you will then be allowed to beg and get what you want. Now, I must go."

"Where? Don't leave me, please!"

She puts her hand on my cheek. "I cannot stay in this room with

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