Risks of Temptation (Behind Closed Doors #6) - Maggie Cole Page 0,21

my lips on her ear, "I haven't even told you how amazing your breasts are. If I'm ever allowed to have all of you, I'm going to show you how every part of your body is meant to have pleasure."

"Malin," she moans as her walls spasm around my finger and her body climaxes, quivering around me.

"Guys, you need to come back. We need to talk," Hunter barks from the edge of the river.

I freeze while she tries to catch her breath in her aftermath. I slide my hands out of her bottoms and put the soap back in my pouch. She slowly pulls her head out of my neck. Her gorgeous face is flushed pink. Her blue eyes look lust drunk and satisfied at the same time, which only makes me ache to fuck her more.

I switch to English. "Let's get something straight before we go back."

"What?" she pants.

"You're the most stunning woman I've ever laid eyes on. But it doesn't change the facts, nor does it mean I think you're a child. I'm forty-five. That makes me a dirty old man where you're concerned. And your sister may want to keep you in a bubble, but I selfishly would, too, if you were mine. Hell, you're not even mine, and I want to. You're sweet and sinfully sexy. But there's a lot of evil out there. I don't want you to know about it because it's painful and dangerous. And you only deserve happiness and safety."

"I know all about evil," she blurts out.

I stroke her cheek. "Whoever harmed you, ma belle, will pay. Tell me, and I will make sure of it."

She closes her eyes, and a tear drips down her cheek. She whispers, "I can't."

I kiss her tear. "We have to get back. When you're ready to tell me, I'm here." I carry her to shore and dry her off, then myself, and give her a piggyback ride through the trees back to camp.

I tell myself I need to jump back over the line I've crossed with her. But I'm screwed. There's no way to undo what I've done with her.

My craving for her, and to help her heal from whatever it is that happened to her, only grows. Before the guys and I meet, I already know I'm leaving with her tonight. She may not be mine, but no one will use her for whatever it is they are planning behind closed doors.



Monkeys grunt and jump through the trees while Malin carries me back to the campsite. The sun is warm, but the heat of our bodies is hotter. I cling to him, not caring about the trees that scratch my outer thigh, or bugs swarming my head.

He made me feel so good.

I didn't freak out. He touched me—really touched me—and I didn't stop him or flip out.

How can this be? No man has ever been able to even touch me on the arm without my skin crawling.

We don't say anything on the way back to camp. Everyone else is quiet, as well. I forgot they were even in the river. We were all spread out and away from each other, but still...

Did they see or hear me?

Who cares?

I need him to touch me again.

And his cock...oh God. It was so hard and smooth.

I haven't even kissed him.

I bury my face into the curve of his neck, similar to what I did in the river, except now I'm on his back.

I left teeth marks on him.

He said I was the most stunning woman he's ever laid eyes on.

How can that be?

"Stay down, ma belle," he says.

My face is still buried in his neck. I haven't looked at anyone or anything since we left the river.

He crouches down. "Okay, you can look now."

We're in the tent. Everyone comes in. I release my grip on him and slide off.

He rises and spins. "I have to meet with the guys. Get out of your wet suit and put your clothes on. There are socks and shoes for you, too."


He doesn't move, and I suddenly feel self-conscious. The more he stares, the more heat rises in my face.

"Make sure you are completely dry before you get changed. The bugs can be bad."

"I will."

"I'll be back." He winks and leaves.

The guys leave and zip the tent, giving us privacy. I remove my clothes, dry the area where my wet suit was, then assess the clothes Axel and Dirk bought for me. My underwear is a day old, and my bra is dirty

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