Risks of Temptation (Behind Closed Doors #6) - Maggie Cole Page 0,13

leans into my ear again. "If it's the last thing I do, I will kill Santiago and the other men who did this to you."

I assume he's talking about my inability to have a man touch me. "It wasn't them who screwed me up." I think I say it in my head, but I soon realize I spoke.

"Who else hurt you?"

I close my eyes, wishing I could be normal and not a total basket case around anything having to do with men. This is the farthest I've ever gotten to enjoying anyone touching me. But it still isn't good enough.

I remove the goggles and hand them to him. "Thanks for letting me try these and taking care of me. Can we go back into the tent now?"

He hesitates.

"My sister will be looking for me and freak if I'm not there."

"Sure." He carries me into the tent. I hold on to him tightly, convinced any chance I had of having him touch me ever again is now blown.

And I hate myself some more.



Some man, in addition to Santiago and his thugs, has hurt my Emilia. An undercurrent of rage tugs at me, dragging every piece of my self-control with it.

I set Emilia down in the tent. Several of the women are whispering about not going back to their home countries.

"Thanks," Emilia says.

"You're welcome."

"Malin, you have a minute?" Ryker asks.

"I'll be over here if you need anything."

"O-okay." She smiles, but the same pain stays in her eyes.

I reluctantly join Ryker. "What's going on?"

"Did Andre say where the drop-off location is?"

Interpol's headquarters in France then it'll be decided where they go after.

"Not yet."

Ryker shifts on his feet and lowers his voice more. "Has Interpol suddenly changed how they direct us?"

My gut spins. "No." It is strange Interpol hasn't told Andre we're taking the ladies to headquarters. I've never been on a mission when they haven't told us before we rescue our targets. And only Naomi is being directed to the U.S., which wasn't part of the plan.

Something is wrong.

She isn't safe going to the U.S.

I need to speak to Gustave.

I glance over at Emilia. She's sitting on the edge of a bed, twisting her fingers and staring at the floor.

What did Santiago want with you, ma belle?

"Ladies, there is another air mattress in the other tent. We don't have extras, but two of you could share. We're stationed around the perimeter, but I think it's best if you all got some rest," Andre booms.

"Emilia and I can share," Naomi says.

Emilia's blue eyes catch mine, but she quickly looks away. Before I can say anything to her, the three of them leave the tent.

Ryker continues, "Julieta is anxious. She claims it isn't safe for her to stay in Central America or any country where her airline flies."

"Why?" I ask, wondering what she and the other women's secrets are. They may hold vital information Gustave and I can use to take down the Global Leaders. But she's correct. It is totally unsafe.

"She hasn't told me yet."

"I'll talk to Andre and see when Interpol is sending the coordinates. I'm sure there's a logical explanation."


I leave the tent and put on my night vision goggles. I go several yards from the tents and continuously scan the edge of the camp to ensure the perimeter team isn't in listening distance. I dial Gustave.

"Hello," he answers in French.

I ask in French, "Why did he take the sixth woman?"

"What woman?"

"The journalist's sister. Why did he take her?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Louis told me five women."

My heart beats faster. "There are six. All had folders."

The line goes quiet.

Why would the head of Interpol not tell us about this sixth woman?

"They all had a purpose to him. What is hers?" I ask.

"I have no information. I will speak with Louis."

"There's another thing."


"The journalist is supposed to go to the U.S. We've not been sent the coordinates to deliver the other women."

More silence, except for the bats flying above my head.

His voice lowers, and a sense of dread fills me. "The U.S.?"


"When is delivery?"

"Another thing we have no orders for."

Gustave sighs. "Why would Louis risk their safety? They are all valuable."

"You tell me."

"Let me look into this."

"Thanks. Bye." I hang up, and my head spins. Something feels off. Emilia should never have been with Santiago. Interpol knew everything about the women, including when Santiago's thugs were abducting Naomi. I didn't find anything out until yesterday, and I don't know how long Louis knew.

It burned me when I found out how

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