Risks of Temptation (Behind Closed Doors #6) - Maggie Cole Page 0,111

when you fill me in."


"Let me show you where you can sleep. I have a feeling the women are going to be out there a while." He leads me to a bedroom upstairs, but I don't sleep. I wait for ma belle, but she never comes to bed. When the sun is rising, I look out the window. She and Naomi are sitting at the table on the deck and still talking.

I get in the shower and am leaning against the wall when Emilia slides her arms around me.

"Did you miss me?"

I spin to face her. "Always, ma belle." I kiss her. "Are you and Naomi okay?"

She nods. "Yes."

"What did you tell her?"

Her blue eyes brighten. She smiles. "Everything."

My gut flips. She's going to hate me more. "Everything?"

"Yes." She puts her hand on my cheek. "I told her how you saved me. And not just from the President, or any of those other evil men. But from my boring, isolated, unlovable self."

"You've never been boring or unlovable."

"I didn't love who I was. And my life was boring before you."

My worries from the plane fly back to me. "I hope you don't find things dull going forward."

She tilts her head. "You still don't get it, do you?"

I stay quiet.

"As long as I'm with you, I have everything I could ever want. But there is something else I want..if it's possible and meant to be."

"What is it? Whatever you want I'll get for you."

She softly laughs. "We might already be getting it."

"What, ma belle?"

Her eyes shine brighter. "I haven't had my period since we've been together. I don't know why I've not thought about it, but I've never been late before."

My heart races faster. "Are you pregnant?"

"I'm not sure. But I've been exhausted lately. You even commented the other day I was sleeping a lot more. What would you think if I was?"

The grin that forms on my face hurts my cheeks. "I think you'd be the best mom on earth. And I'd somehow become an even luckier man, which I didn't think was possible."

She pulls my head to her lips. And I taste all of her. Her innocence, mixed with sensual sin, and the confidence of a woman who knows exactly what she wants and needs.


"Hmmm?" I ask and kiss her some more.

In French, she murmurs, "Do you remember your promise to me on the plane?"

"What was that?" I reply in French, dip down, and kiss the curve of her neck.

She holds my face and her eyes fill with lust. "I told you what I needed all night."

I brush my lips against hers and say, "My mouth and my cock."

"Yes. It's morning, but I still need it."

"Whatever you need, ma belle, I will happily provide." I drop to my knees, push her against the wall, and put her legs over my shoulders. "Let's start with this."



One Year Later

"Malin...oh God... Malin!" Ma belle whimpers.

"Shhh, you'll wake the baby," I remind her.


I stick my tongue in her mouth and muffle her cries as we unravel together in each other's arms.

I wondered if ma belle would change when she had our son. But she is still insatiable, craving me at all hours of the day and night. And my love for her only grows, which I didn't think was possible.

The baby cries, and I kiss her. "Stay here. I'll go get him."

I hand her the silk robe I shed earlier and put on a pair of boxers.

I go into the baby's room. Felix cries louder. Fat tears fill his blue eyes. I pick him up. "Hey, buddy."

He hides his face in the curve of my neck, and his cries turn into sniffles. I kiss the top of his head and bring him to the bedroom.

Emilia's eyes light up when she sees him, and she holds her hands out.

I was right. She's the best mother in the world.

I hand her to him, and he reaches for her breast.

She laughs. "Are you hungry already?" She opens her robe, and he latches on right away.

I stroke his head. "He's growing again."

Her smile brightens. "I'm not sure why we bothered buying six-month clothes. He's going to be out of them in the next week, I bet."

"I guess we should take the tags off the next size and wash everything, then."

Emilia kisses Felix's head. When we were looking at names, she wanted a French one.

"Felix means happy. This is what we should name him," she said when he was almost due to be born.

I liked it and the meaning,

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