Rising Storm (Westin Force #2) - Julie Trettel Page 0,64

five and there had been no word from the team. Shelby told me not to worry about it, that it doesn’t happen often, but it can happen.

I’d been spending a lot of time over at her house. I liked playing with her babies. When I walked in now, all three would race to get to me first with their little arms held high to be cuddled. They were quickly becoming part of my little band.

My routine had shifted once again. Now, I woke up and had breakfast. I packed a lunch and had Cal drive me to Shelby’s. I spent the day with her and the kids and then headed home in the late afternoon in time to straighten the apartment, even though it really didn’t need it, and then eat dinner. After cleaning up from my meal, I showered and settled in for television, or just listened to Painter’s favorite Elvis Presley songs while eating popcorn until bedtime.

I was such a creature of habit that when I walked downstairs Cal was waiting with my coffee in hand exactly the way I liked it. “Ready?” he asked.

I grinned. “Am I really that predictable?”

He laughed. “I could ditch my watch and go strictly on Emma time, so, yeah.”

He was a funny kid. He filled me in on the latest gossip of Westin Pack, even though most of the people he spoke of meant nothing to me. Still, it was nice to feel connected.

He dropped me off at Shelby’s and assured me he’d be back at 4:15 to pick me up. At four o’clock I would give the kids a fifteen minute warning that I was leaving so they wouldn’t cry when Cal arrived.

I knocked on Shelby’s door and then let myself into her house. The boys toddled over to me. My body went on full alert as I looked around for Mary Alice.

“Mary Alice, don’t,” Kelsey complained as she wrangled with the child trying to change her diaper.

I smiled. “There’s my sweet girl.”

I picked up both of the boys and cuddled them close to me.

“Em-ma,” Mary Alice squealed waving her arms in the air.

Shelby walked in and laughed at the scene. “Sorry Kels, but I warned you. I swear she’s like the triplet whisperer. Wait until you see how easy nap time is. That is if you’re staying the day.”

I froze. Did she not want me to stay? Was I intruding on her time with the kids? Did my visits annoy her? I’d never stopped to consider such things before.

“Relax Emma. Of course we want you here,” Shelby assured me. “You are like an angel for me. I feel like I should start paying you to be here.”

“But I like being here.”

“And we love having you.”

“You have company today, I should have called first.” I didn’t know how things like this were supposed to be handled.

She laughed. “It’s just Kelsey. You remember her from ladies’ night.”

I hesitantly nodded. “No more wine.”

Kelsey laughed. “I am so sorry about that, Emma. I should have been paying closer attention. Shelby tells me you’re a miracle worker with the triplets.

I shrugged. “I like kids.”

“Jason, come say hi to Emma.”

Another little boy a few years older popped up and came over to me.

“Hi, I’m Emma.”

“Hi Emma. I’m Jason Westin.”

“It’s nice to meet you.”

“Shelby says you’re really cool and the babies love hanging with you. Maybe you could babysit me sometime too?” He still had a bit of that baby voice which made it even cuter.

“Jason,” Kelsey warned.

“What? They made it sound fun.”

“Your grandmother would murder me in my sleep if I used a babysitter and you know it.”

“If she’s that cool, it could be worth the risk.”

I burst out laughing. “This one’s a firecracker. I love it. He speaks really well for one so young.”

“Too well, trust me on that.”

The boys were starting to wiggle, so I set them free two seconds before Mary Alice launched into my arms. I kissed all over her sweet face while she giggled.

Kelsey nodded to Shelby. “Do it,” she encouraged.

“Do what?” I asked.

I didn’t miss the look of betrayal she shot Kelsey first.

“Um, well, I sort of wanted to talk to you about something.”

Shelby was very obviously nervous. It made me nervous too. I frowned and looked down at the ground as I gave Mary Alice another squeeze.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“What? No. You’re amazing, Emma. It’s just that I don’t know if you knew this or not, but before kids, I was a teacher.”

It felt like she was stalling

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