Rising Storm (Westin Force #2) - Julie Trettel Page 0,47

your bond growing and less about him getting injured.”

“I can feel the bond growing,” I admitted.

“That’s a good thing, Emma. It’s supposed to. I know it’s different for wolves and gorillas, but probably not as much as the guys seem to think. I’ll bet you’ll calm down more when you seal your bond with him.”

We had just arrived at a pretty house that I assumed was Shelby’s and we walked in without knocking.

“What does that even mean?”

Her eyes went wide. “He still hasn’t told you?”

“Told you what?” Shelby asked as she hugged me. “I’m so glad you made it.”

“Painter hasn’t explained what it means to seal their bond,” Taylor told her.

“I told Ben not to bet against him. Baine’s gonna make a fortune off this one.” Shelby growled.

Taylor laughed. “Grant bet with Baine on this one.”

“There’s still time,” Shelby grinned back at me, but I had no idea what they were talking about.

“You are not going to encourage this,” Taylor warned her.

Shelby laughed. “Girl, I have three babies at home, I’m not above giving her a little nudge in the right direction.”

“You may have that innocent school teacher vibe going on, but you are pure evil.”

Shelby shrugged and hooked her arm through mine. “Come on, Emma, let’s introduce you to the rest of the crew.”

There was a room full of women. In a way, it made me long for home. I hadn’t realized just how much I needed a ladies’ night until the introductions were made and they all welcomed me into their band, quirks, and all.

Kelsey was Kyle Westin’s mate and the Westin Pack Mother. They had to explain their hierarchy to me, but I was able to follow along with minimal questions.

Elise was there. She was Patrick’s mate that Painter had just mentioned to me. I learned she was also Kyle’s sister. She had two other brothers, Liam, and Chase. Both of their mates were there too. They even told me Jenna was a panther, so I wasn’t the only oddball in the group of wolves.

Shelby’s sisters Maddie and Lizzy were there too. They were both mated to Westin Pack wolves just as I learned their brother had married Lily who was Elise and Kyle’s sister.

It was like navigating a giant spider web, but I thought I got it all.

After introductions, we all just sat around talking. Well, they talked, and I listened, just taking it all in.

“How’s Lily doing?” Lizzy asked. “Has anyone talked to her? I got the announcement this morning that Luke and Sydney had their baby, a little boy. They named him Hunter. Mommy and baby are doing great.”

“I just found out on my way over,” Kelsey said.

I sensed this wasn’t great news. Lily was Elise’s other sister and the Collier Pack Mother mated to Shelby’s brother, Thomas. I was starting to piece it all together.

“I talked to her earlier today. She’s putting on a good face,” Elise said.

“She’s a mess,” Maddie said. “She’s becoming obsessed with getting pregnant and giving Thomas an heir. The fact that Luke just sired a son is putting even more pressure on her.”

They took a minute to explain the situation to me. Luke was the Alpha of a rival pack that merged with Collier Pack and assumed the role of Pack Beta. His mate and Lily had gotten pregnant at the same time. Now, Sydney had given birth to a baby boy that could rival for future heir of the pack. Lily had sadly lost her baby in a late miscarriage and it had devastated her.

Taylor told me she’d met Lily when she first arrived at the pack. Lizzy said she’d been struggling with the loss and not getting pregnant again right away and was visiting to blow off steam. Though one thing was clear, they were all worried about her. I was a natural caretaker and it made me worry for her too.

“I’m really concerned for Thomas too. He’s got so much pressure to produce an heir now that it’s no wonder they’ve been struggling to get pregnant again,” Shelby said.

“Sorry, Emma. This is your first time with us, and it’s turned into a depressing night. I promise we’re usually more fun.”

“It’s fine. It’s nice to just be out of the apartment and meeting nice people. I’m really sorry for Lily.”

The conversation shifted away from the poor girl and on to lighter things.

“Who’s drinking tonight?” Kelsey asked as she left the room to return with a tray full of fancy glasses and a large bottle. “We know

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