Rising Storm (Westin Force #2) - Julie Trettel Page 0,39

I should have said something the second he showed up.”

“You guys never listen,” Micah complained as he pulled out a needle and jammed it into my leg.

I refrained from screaming, but my leg felt like it was on fire.

“You are going to have to cut that back open first and drain it now,” Micah told Grant.

“I’m aware. Maybe this time he’ll actually behave.”

“Oh, he will,” Emma assured them.

“No shifting,” Micah told her. “No running or workouts. Keep the leg elevated and iced as much as possible. And if there’s any change in appearance, if it turns green, yellow, or starts expelling anything, even a funny odor, call me or Grant immediately. I’m Micah by the way.”

He handed her a business card.

“Emma,” she said as she took it from him.

“A new gorilla moves to town and everyone knows it,” he said winking at my mate. “Nothing?”

“I told you he’s not intimidated by other males. It’s weird.”

“Touch her and that’ll change quickly,” T said with a laugh.

Emma gave me a questioning look.

“They’re all wolves. Wolves are very territorial and mating males are particularly aggressive. They think it’s weird I’m not peeing all over you.”

Emma’s face scrunched up. “I don’t want you to pee on me.”

The others started laughing at her innocent response.


Chapter 12

I didn’t understand what was so funny. Did they really expect Painter to pee on me to mark me as his? Was that what this whole sealing the bond thing was about? I’d heard of the saying ‘breaking the seal’ when you had to pee really badly. Were the two connected? I was so confused and a little disgusted.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, it’s just a saying because they pee a circle around their territory to alert other animals, especially other wolves that they are entering Westin Pack land. They are extremely territorial, and mating males are the worst. They don’t actually pee on each other though—at least I’m pretty sure they don’t.”

I nodded, still a little disgusted by them peeing around their land, but I’d encountered other animals in the jungle that did that too. Gorillas were far more peaceful than that until you crossed one of us. Then you got the full wrath of the band, especially the leader.

In the wild, that was typically the role of the largest silverback in a band, but for a decade that had been my role in the band. Painter was a natural leader too. I didn’t know how to reconcile that. So far, he hadn’t really portrayed any dominance over me since he had rescued me from the Raglan. It was there though, just under the surface. I could feel it. I wasn’t certain how my gorilla would respond to it either. Most females were docile. Mine was often more aggressive and protective than the largest silverback I’d ever crossed paths with. When it came down to it, how would she respond to Painter?

Painter cringed in pain a few times, but he tried to be discreet about it. I didn’t mention it or the fact that he was squeezing my hand really hard while Grant sewed him back up. I was fascinated and watched everything closely. It didn’t look so hard.

“Looks good,” Micah complimented.

“Thanks to these guys, I’ve been getting in plenty of practice,” Grant teased.

He was done and Painter was starting to relax just a little.

Micah pulled out a bottle of pills from his bag and handed them to me. “Whatever you do, don’t take these, but you can give him one pill every four to six hours for pain as needed.”

He took out one and showed me. When Painter opened his mouth to protest, Micah shoved it in and held his hand over his face careful not to cover his nose until a very angry Painter swallowed it.

“Was that really necessary?” he barked.

“Well, it must be. If he’d asked you to take it, you would have said no. I don’t like human medicines, but you’re in a lot of pain, so it must be necessary.”

“She knows you well already,” Grant teased.

“He could be a little loopy for a few hours and anytime he’s on the meds,” Micah warned.


“Out of it. Maybe giggly even.”

“I don’t giggle,” Painter protested.

“Last time we drugged him on that stuff he didn’t stop giggling,” Taylor informed me.

“Good to know. Anything I should be aware of?”

“Nope. You should be good. If you have any questions or concerns just give one of us a call,” Grant said. “T and I are both programmed in his phone, and you have

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