Rising Storm (Westin Force #2) - Julie Trettel Page 0,36

the day off.”

“I know. I’m just going for a run. I’m not planning to work all day.”

“First it’s the run, then it’ll be he just needs a quick workout, and the next thing you know he’ll be downstairs pushing papers or shooting something.”

“Shut up, Baine,” Taylor said. “Painter’s never missed a run since I’ve been here. Unlike the rest of you slackers who beg off frequently.”

“It’s weird though, right?” Grant asked. “I couldn’t think of anything but keeping my girl in bed for weeks.”

“Weeks huh? I’m pretty sure you tried to convince me to stay in bed this morning.”

He grinned and shrugged.

“They should have given us all the rest of the week off after this last mission,” Ben said.

“Come on you pansies, you can talk and whine while we run,” Silas ordered. He took the lead as we all fell in line behind him. As usual, I held back to bring up the rear.

“Seriously man, is everything okay?” Grant asked.

“Which part?”

“Let’s start with the leg?”

“Yeah, it’s still a little sore, but you did a good job sewing it back up.”

“You didn’t stay in your gorilla for forty-eight hours like you were told to.”

I shrugged. “Look at all we’d have missed out on if I had listened for once.”

“I hate when he does that,” Tarron complained.

“Why? Because he’s right?” Baine asked. “Emma gave us the leads we needed.”

“So it was Keeley that set us up?”

“We’ll talk about it at today’s briefing,” Taylor said, with a hint of warning for us to stop talking about it.

“Should Emma and I be there?”

“You, yes, but Emma doesn’t need to be.”

I scowled.

Ben glanced back in time to see it and laughed. “Finally, he acts like a newly mated male. It’s about time, you’ve been freaking us out.”

“Why? What am I doing?”

“It’s not what you are doing. It’s what you haven’t been doing,” Ben pointed out.

“Like what?”

“You haven’t lost it once, that we’ve seen at least. I mean yeah you were stressed and a little freaked out when we found her, but since we’ve been back here, nothing,” Grant said.

I laughed. “I’m not a wolf, you guys. Gorillas aren’t as psycho as your lot. We’re relatively peaceful creatures, unless threatened. There’s no threat here.”

“He’s right,” Silas said. “Try hurting his mate and he’ll likely rip your head right off your shoulders, but he’s not going to get all jealous and territorial the way you guys do. Now stop gossiping and pick up the speed.”

Several groans were heard as Silas pushed us all to run faster.

“You guys really aren’t territorial?” Grant asked. “I’m just curious now.”

“No. Even in nature, a silverback’s band territory can overlap several other troupes too. As long as everybody keeps to themselves and doesn’t cause problems, then it’s all good. We don’t mark our territory the way you mutts do.”

“Natural gorillas build harems,” Baine said. “You sure she’s your only mate?”

He was only teasing, but it made me growl anyway.

“Is that true? Can you have more than one mate?” Ben asked. “I don’t think I could handle more than one.”

I laughed. “Gorillas do form harems, one silverback will mate all the females in his troupe, but not shifters. Just like you, we mate for life—just one. Emma is it for me.”

“How long was she living in her fur?” Taylor asked.

I sighed. “About twelve years from what we’ve pieced together.”

“Twelve years!” Baine said. “Is she even human still?”

I grinned. “Oh, she’s most definitely still human.”

“How is she adjusting?” Taylor asked. I loved that she sounded concerned for my mate. I hoped they would become friends.

“Better than you’d expect. She has some aversions to human things, but she’s trying.”

“I’d imagine some of her social skills are off, too. That’s a long time to be closed off from your humanity,” Grant pointed out. “If there’s anything we can do to help make her transition easier, you know we’re here for the both of you.”

“Thanks. She’s heading to ladies’ night with Shelby and Clara tonight. We’ll see how it goes. They’re both aware of her situation.”

“I’ll be there too. I’ll keep an eye on her,” T said.

I nodded in thanks.

“Well, you look happy. Peaceful even,” Grant acknowledged.

“I am. I think she calms me in a way I didn’t even know I needed.”

“Just don’t let her calm you too much. We still count on you to do a job around here. Can’t have you getting all soft and shit.” Baine turned and made a look of disgust.

“If you can continue to talk this much, then clearly we aren’t

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