Rising Storm (Westin Force #2) - Julie Trettel Page 0,31

straddle me. Our faces were better aligned, and her kisses became deeper and more sensual.

I moaned and ran my hands up and down her back causing her to shiver in my arms. She pulled back and stared at me with a look of wonder. She groaned and then began to sing. It wasn’t a song like humans think of as singing, it was a melody of sounds gorillas made when they were happy. It was beautiful. She was free and acting on pure instinct. She had no idea what she was doing to me.

I was trying so hard to behave and not rush her, but I could smell her arousal and then she started to rub against me. She moaned sweetly and I gripped her thighs and dragged her back for another kiss trying to slow things down, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. She was rubbing her upper body against my chest while grinding against me and I was struggling to fight through the fog of lust building within me.

When we weren’t kissing, her singing called to me on some level I didn’t even know existed. She grunted again and I pulled back, but instead of backing off, she pulled my shirt she’d been wearing, up and over her head, and tossed it to the side so that she could rub her breasts against my bare chest. The only barrier between us now was my pants, and my sanity snapped.

“Mine,” I growled and reached for her pulling her in for a kiss without holding back my desire for her. I expected my aggression to make her shy away, but it only seemed to make her even bolder. I loved every second of it.

She started grunting and I pulled back.

“Are you okay?”

“I don’t know.”

“Have you ever?” I didn’t have to finish that question. She knew what I was asking and was already shaking her head.

“You said to do what feels right, but it hurts.”

That sobered me quickly. “What hurts?”

“Everything.” She ground herself down on me and it took every ounce of reserve I had not to strip out of my pants and take her hard. I couldn’t do that to her though. I cared too much already, and I needed to protect her body as much as anything.

“Do you trust me?”

She nodded.

I grinned happily. I could take care of things on my own later. Right now, all that mattered was making Emma feel good.

I picked her up and carried her to the bed, pushing the nest of blankets out of the way. I carefully laid her down and took a moment to really look her over. She was gorgeous, laying there naked before me, waiting.

I didn’t dare remove my pants and I could see the questioning look in her eyes, but I silenced them with a kiss while my hand roamed freely down to her breasts, memorizing the feel of each of them.

She whimpered and moaned. Her hot, wet mouth drove me mad. As my hand headed south, I kissed across her jawline and down her neck as I toyed with her. She was clawing at my back and bucking against my hand as I sucked a nipple into my mouth causing her to tighten and then release with a scream. I stayed with her, kissing my way back up until I found her lips again.

I could feel her heart racing as her body started to still some. Her eyes were wild.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She nodded. “Is that normal? Is it always supposed to feel that good?”

I chuckled and nodded. “That’s just the start, Emma.”

“It gets better than that?”

“Yeah, it does.” She was so pure and innocent, so open that I knew when we finally had sex it was going to rock both our worlds.

“Show me.”

I didn’t have time to react before she had me pinned to the bed straddling me and her lips crushed down on me. My girl was definitely a fast learner.

“Sweetheart, I don’t want to overdo it.”

“I’m not sure that’s possible.”

I laughed. I couldn’t believe I was about to tell her no, but then I thought, why would I? This was my mate and I wanted her more than anything. Clearly, she wanted me too. Turning off my brain, I decided to live in the moment. I stopped fighting it and kissed her back.

A knock on the door stilled us both.

I groaned in frustration.

Her bottom lip jutted out as I rolled over to see who it was. It better be something good. I

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