Rising Storm (Westin Force #2) - Julie Trettel Page 0,21

should have done this or that. This time it was harder not to wonder. I worried I hadn’t done anything right and that I would never truly get through to my mate.

“Get your head out of your ass,” Silas said as he came to sit next to me. “I get this is a cakewalk, but I need you in the game.”

I took a deep breath. “I’m okay.”

“Liar. That female’s messing with you.”

“That female is my mate,” I reminded him.

“I’m aware, but right now, you’re mine. These men, our men, count on us. I need you to be here.”

I looked around in time to see eyes avert quickly.

I sighed. “I’m okay, really. Want to go over the plan again?”

He looked at me and then slapped my shoulder. “Nah. You know what you have to do.”

Shortly before landing, Grant and Ben tag teamed me.

“No need for intervention. I’m fine.”

“You’ll get through this, but you’re not fine, so don’t bother lying about it.”

“I really am fine you guys. My head’s on straight, I’m good. Emma’s not even here to distract me.”

Ben laughed. “As if she needs to be here to screw with your head.”

“Don’t give him any ideas,” Silas barked.

Grant ignored him. “We’re just saying we know how crazy it is right now and all the insanity going on. Your hormones are likely out of control. Have you even had sex yet?”

Ben laughed. “He hasn’t even seen her in her human form yet.”

“I have,” Baine yelled.

I growled.

“Jesus. Tell me you’re at least taking care of things yourself,” Grant continued. He looked down at my crotch and I wanted to punch him.

“I don’t see where the hell that’s any of your business.”

“Stop riling him up. Are you crazy?” Ben asked.

“He’s just saying that testosterone runs really high during mating. If you don’t take care of it, it could be toxic to the team. You’re going to be a ticking time bomb. Just go jack off in the back room and you’ll hopefully be calm enough to get through this without getting any of us killed,” Taylor said.

Grant grinned proudly.

Baine’s mouth dropped and he looked around. “Did she really just say that?”

“What? It’s true,” she insisted. “I highly doubt that changes between species. It’s not even just a male thing.”

“Oh boy. Enough. We’re here, anyway, so just keep it in your pants,” Silas said.

Tarron burst out laughing. “Bet that’s not something you ever expected to say for final words. I’ve got us keyed into Elliot’s channel already.”

He handed out earbuds.

“We’ve got perfect reception here. The rendezvous point is only a quarter of a mile from here. It’s a small abandoned warehouse. Echo has eyes in the sky, so Ben is free to assist. All you fools are going in live. We don’t expect much heat but keep me posted. He’s allocated three for backup. They’re on standby. If they do their job right and you do yours, you won’t even see them.”

“Suit up,” Silas barked.

We were all wearing bulletproof vests and armed enough to take down a place five times this size. We were ready.

“Cameras?” Silas asked.

“One at the door. Already tapped in. It’s clear,” Tarron assured him.

“No eyes on the inside?”

“None that I can find. E team has been watching for twenty-four hours. No one’s come in or out except our vehicle.”

“Good. See you on the other side.”

At Silas’s signal, we exited the plane in fighting formation. There was a vehicle waiting that we piled into. We parked about a hundred yards from the building site.

Ben pulled out his binoculars and looked around.

“It’s all quiet. Echo’s in place.”

“So if you see them, are they really doing their job?” Baine teased.

Silas smacked him in the back of the head.

“I get paid very well to ensure I see everything,” Ben reminded him. He was our sniper and one of the best in his field.

“Move in. Let’s get this over with,” Silas said in a gruff voice.

Just as we’d practiced a million times with rifles at the ready, we exited the vehicle and quickly made our way to the door.

Baine went first and checked it. Locked. He pulled a small bomb from his pocket and motioned for us to back up. Within seconds the door was flying off.

Silas counted us down, holding up three fingers, then two, then one pointing to the door to proceed when nothing came out.

I was the first in.


Ben ran past me and checked the next room while I covered his back.


Next was Baine, Taylor, Grant, and then Silas.

One room left. I was

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