Rising Storm (Westin Force #2) - Julie Trettel Page 0,12

honor to protect and care for her. “My mate,” I whispered.

“So, I spoke with Clara and Grant,” he said changing the subject quickly. “They think it’ll be best to leave her here.”

I growled. There was no way I was leaving her behind. Was he out of his mind?

“Simmer down. Baine, Tarron, and I are taking off with the plane to get the others to safety. Ben, Grant, and Taylor volunteered to stay behind and drive back with you two. That way she doesn’t have to be moved until we’re home. Clara, Gage, and Chelsea, volunteered to stay with you as well.”

My heart tightened in my chest. “Thanks.”

“Don’t thank me, asshole. It was their idea.”

Silas sounded harsh sometimes, but I knew that was his way of showing affection.

He slapped my leg. “You’re a lucky man, Painter. I’m happy for you.”

I nodded as he left. Soon the others joined me.

“Gage and I will take turns driving,” Ben said. “The others will keep you company and keep an eye on your mate. Taylor is our point of contact should you need anything. We’ll stop for dinner in a few hours once we’re out of the city. I’m really sorry about your birthday, man.”

I shrugged. “I’m not. I mean sure, it would have been fun to see Grant and T get drunk and agree to get married by Elvis, and I probably would have hit that ten-million-dollar jackpot, but none of that could ever trump finding her.”

They all smiled.

“Spoken like a fully whipped mate,” Grant teased.

“You would know,” T dished back at him.

The rest of the room laughed. Grant just winked at his mate.

I wondered if my mate would be mouthy like T and keep me in my place, or shyer and meeker like traditional gorilla females. I couldn’t wait to really get to know her. From what I’ve glimpsed, she’s strong and brave. My heart felt lighter than I could ever remember. I was at peace.

Ben and Gage moved up to the front and the door was pulled down. It didn’t take long until we were back on the road again. I stressed over every bump and turn, fearing her pain would persist, but she was still out cold.

Everyone settled back and relaxed. We’d be on the road all day and would probably need to stop for the night somewhere en route.

Grant checked her vitals and smiled. “She’s doing great.”

Clara checked her incision. “Her gorilla is healing her quickly too. It may still take a day or two, but she’s already out of the danger zone and on the mend. She’s going to be just fine, Painter.”

I was trying not to let my emotions show, but I was getting choked up in relief. All I could manage was a nod of appreciation.

Things were silent for a bit and I expected the adrenaline rush of the day to be dying down and people would start to crash.

Out of the blue, T blurted out, “Wait, you really thought I’d get drunk and let Elvis marry us?”

I grinned and shrugged. “I was hoping.”


Grant laughed, “Didn’t you know, babe? Painter is a huge Elvis fan. It’s pretty much all he listens to.”

“What? It’s the King. He’s a legend.”

The guys had teased me often enough about my musical tastes that I was surprised she was just finding out about it. I didn’t care. The stuff they listened to was garbage. When they’d crank up some horribly obnoxious noise, I’d just put on my headphones and listen to Elvis croon. His voice soothed me. I had enough pent up energy and stress on the regular. I didn’t need that increased with their sort of music. That was just asking for a heart attack or something.

I needed a bit of peace in my life. Elvis gave me that, or so I’d thought. I looked down at Sahara and sighed. I don’t think I even knew what peace was until today. Elvis couldn’t hold a candle to her.

“He’s got it bad,” Chelsea teased. “Is it always like that for you guys?”

“No,” the other shifters all agreed.

“Grant and I didn’t exactly have a typical first meeting,” T said. That was putting it lightly. She’d been disguised as a dude working an undercover op. We all thought he’d lost his mind when he dragged her back with him kicking and screaming and then turned Alpha and threatened the team if any of us went near them.

I could sort of understand it though. I’d gone alpha too, seeing her trapped in that cage with

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