Rising Storm (Westin Force #2) - Julie Trettel Page 0,10

You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m stabilizing her now.”

“Do we need to wait?”

“No, she’s a tough one. I think she’ll be okay. We can move out.”

“Do you need any help?”

“I’ve got Gage here and Bravo team’s medic. I’m afraid my pack was not prepared for this level of injury, but his was.”

“I’m sending Chelsea over.”

As soon as the new woman arrived, they closed the door to the box truck and the guys lit the room anyway they could…flashlights, cell phones, even a couple of glow sticks. They tried to provide as much light as possible.

“Move out,” I heard Painter say.

“This is going to hurt a bit, but only for a second, like a bee sting, and then everything will be okay,” Clara said.

“Sweet dreams, and welcome to the family,” Grant said.

I felt the pinch. Painter growled and moved closer to me. He took my large hand in his.

“Everything’s going to be okay now,” he whispered to me.

I nodded. Somehow, I knew he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me.

“I’m not going anywhere. You can rest now.”

A smile crossed my face as the darkness took me over again and I didn’t bother fighting it.


Chapter 5

It wasn’t easy seeing her lying there unconscious with so many others around. She was too vulnerable, and it set my gorilla on edge. Fortunately, most of those present in the back of that truck seemed to understand that.

The surgery went smoothly and both Clara and Grant were happy with the outcome.

“She’s tough, Painter. She’s going to be okay,” Grant told me.

“How do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Let Taylor out of your sight. Send her off into dangerous situations. I don’t want to leave Sahara’s side. I feel like if I even go to take a piss, something bad is going to happen to her.”

Grant sighed. “I’d like to say it gets easier with mating, but only a little. I still worry constantly. I struggle to keep priorities in line if I know she’s been injured, which has happened before.” I nodded. “But at the end of the day I just have to trust that my girl can handle herself. Taylor’s strong and can fight her own battles. I have to remind myself of that often. Your girl went up against a silverback animal, Painter.”

“Yeah, and look what happened.”

Chelsea looked up and gave me a smile. She had joined us at the last minute to assist with the surgery. Beyond a thanks, we hadn’t spoken.

“I tended to King Kong before coming here. He’s in far worse shape and depressed. I spoke with some of the others there and before today they’d never fought for real. She taught him several routines and it was an act. Sure, they’d take a few hits, but it was an act, a show. They were convinced something must have happened for him to lose it like that. In the past, he’d been very protective of her, and this wasn’t exactly their first round. Apparently, they would spar in the ring for viewing pleasure sometimes three or four shows a day.”

I groaned. “So it was all my fault. I did this. Great. Some mate I’ll be.”

I had been standing up most of the trip, but now I sat next to her sleeping body and rested my head on my knees. It was all my fault. I’d found the most precious thing in the world to me and I’d already failed her.

“You can’t do this to yourself,” Gage said. “Just be there for her. I made some pretty stupid decisions early on too. The mating call can really screw with you.”

Clara laughed. “He gave me an ultimatum before I even knew anything real about him. I walked away.”

“I secretly followed,” he admitted.

They smiled at each other like it was a perfect love story now, but I suspected it hadn’t felt that way at the time.

I’d had a front row seat for Grant’s mating and there had been nothing easy about it. It had been a train wreck from the second they laid eyes on each other. Yet, somehow, they’d made it work.

I had to admit, I hadn’t found her in the most orthodox way, but she was here, she existed, and she was mine. Nothing else mattered to me. Plus, I was likely still in a bit of shock.

The truck had been stopped for a while. I didn’t know why we were all still cooped up, but I didn’t really care either because my mate wasn’t ready to be moved.

They’d warned me she’d be unconscious for several hours. Surgery had

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