Rising (Anderson Special Ops #2) - Melody Anne Page 0,32


“Then I’d better get Avery out of here ASAP. You guys have the ball now. I look forward to being surprised at our wedding,” Carl said as he took Avery’s hand and began backing toward the door.

“You’re leaving so soon?” Bobbi asked. “We should get some ideas from you.”

“We have total faith in your planning abilities,” Avery said, not slowing down as Carl dragged her away. She’d been achy since watching him running that morning. She wanted nothing more than to get back home and have some uninterrupted time. She was very aware he could be called to work at any minute of the day. They had to take advantage of every second they had together.

“Let’s have lunch at the vineyard. It’s a great view and will inspire us,” Sherman said to Bobbi as they drew further away from the pair. Avery was sure they had a love story brewing.

“I do love a great bottle of wine,” Bobbi said, her cheeks flushing again. “But I need that wedding planner I bought for Avery. I guess we’ll be the ones using it now.”

“Thanks, Mom, thanks Sherman. We love and appreciate you both,” Avery called as they neared their vehicle.

“Love you, too,” Bobbi called back right before Carl practically threw her in the car.

The two of them barely made the drive home, and they certainly didn’t make it past the living room door before their clothes were ripped off. She was more in love with him each new day, and she had no doubt that love would continue to grow and grow and grow.

And maybe, just maybe, her mother would be having a wedding of her own before too much time passed. Avery wouldn’t mind that one little bit.

Chapter Seven

Joseph sat in his office with his head in his hands. The past few days had taken some of his life away. He was always the protector. He was the head of his family, the one who was supposed to keep harm from those he loved — and he’d failed. He’d tried to give his wife a beautiful day out, and instead he’d brought her face to face with the nightmare she couldn’t stop. He didn’t like feeling inadequate, it wasn’t something he was used to. He needed to find a way to fix all of this. The steps he’d taken so far were moving too slow. He wanted results — and he wanted them yesterday.

Just as Joseph felt one problem in his life was being solved, another issue arose. Why couldn’t time stand still or even go back ten years where everything had seemed to fall into place instantly? Joseph didn’t like having regrets, knowing that every decision in life shaped him into who he was today and tomorrow. But he found himself with more regrets now. His wife was ill, his nephew was being investigated for horrendous crimes — the evidence wasn’t looking good for him — and things seemed to be falling apart.

How much could a man take before it broke him? Joseph prayed he didn’t find out.

The ringing phone broke Joseph out of his thoughts. He picked up his private line on the second ring. “Joseph Anderson.” His voice was clipped and to the point. He didn’t have the energy to talk to people on this day of all days.

“Joseph, it’s Sheriff McCormack. We’ve been hand-delivered who we believe attacked Katherine.” Joseph appreciated speaking to Sheriff McCormack as he always got straight to the point.

It took all Joseph had not to say he knew the suspect had been apprehended. He knew exactly who’d gotten the piece of scum. He hadn’t spoken to Chad since the confrontation, and he wanted to know what the team had gotten out of the man. They were obviously done with their own interrogation if they’d handed him over.

“That’s wonderful, Sheriff. What comes next?” Joseph asked.

“We need Katherine to identify him first off, but as he came gift wrapped with a big note on his chest and a picture of the surveillance tape of him at the facility, I think identifying him is just a formality.”

“Gift wrapped?” Joseph asked. What had the men done?

“Yep,” McCormack said with a chuckle. “He was tied up nice and pretty with a big red bow on him. That’s my kind of birthday present.” Joseph hadn’t thought it possible to laugh so soon after the incident, but he found himself chuckling with the sheriff. Chad’s boys had one hell of a sense of humor. He’d really love to spend some

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