Rise of the Wadjet Witch - By Juliet C. Obodo Page 0,9

that freshman psychology chapter on body language.

“Yes, I am she.” Why am I speaking so formally? she thought. She suddenly felt nervous. The floating woman would be tapping into her subconscious. She barely tapped into her subconscious, and now this stranger would have a full access pass to Memphis-land. How could she make an exit without being rude, especially after the two-handed shake? Especially when Susan hadn’t let go of her hands and was guiding her into her office. Her brown eyes and cool hands had a calming effect. Memphis no longer felt the need to extract herself from the appointment, or her grip.

She took a seat on a gray tufted couch. The room resembled a regular therapist’s office, with plaques and doses of plaid and brown. She searched for a hanging watch, necklace, or some other hypnotic tool on the mahogany desk. She didn’t spot any will-bending devices, unless she counted the Blackberry, which studies have shown can take over a person’s life.

“All right, Memphis, tell me why you’re here today.”

“Well, I told your receptionist that I wanted to quit smoking.”

“Oh, yes of course, but smoking is just a symptom of an underlying problem. Your teeth are quite white; unless you’ve had them bleached, you’re not a habitual smoker. Maybe you’ve recently picked it up again due to stress in the workplace or at home?”

“Wow, yes. I recently had a bad breakup.”

“With a coworker?”

“Uh, yes. How did you know that?”

She just smiled and smoothly handed her a blindfold. “I’d like for you to put this on and lie down for me.”

Memphis complied, though she wanted to question how she knew the details of her love life. The sofa was wide enough for her to lie down with her hands to her sides without her left hand dangling to the floor. Her body was at an even level to ensure that she was comfortable and not out of balance.

“Memphis, I would like for you to try to think back to your birth.”

“My birth? I didn’t think anyone could actually remember that.” Who would want to remember being shot out of their mother’s nether region? Memphis didn’t know her mother, but she decided not to share that with Dr. Thompson.

“Please, don’t speak. Just listen to my instructions and try to follow them. You do wish to stop smoking, and to rid yourself of the negative feelings from Jonathan.”

Did she mention Jonathan’s name? She couldn’t remember. She tried to listen to Susan’s voice, and she felt a hand on her forehead. Memphis had never been hypnotized before, but she did watch television and this wasn’t how the hypnotist-slash-detective did it. But she didn’t feel like leaving. She felt heavy—very heavy. Susan’s voice seemed to echo in the room.

“Your mother was a good woman, but she was just very soft. She was the perfect vessel for your entry into this world. Your light shines bright; it is located directly in your center. It is the deep you that seeks to know and understand not only who you are, but why you are here. It is the whole of you as opposed to the sum of your parts. It is the gateway to all knowledge and to your power.”

“Um, okay, this is getting strange.” Memphis sat up. “My mother has nothing to do with this. I thought this was just a hypnosis session—a quick fix to help me quit smoking—not some Freudian power session.”

“Lie down,” she commanded.

Memphis fell back. She no longer had control over her body. She couldn’t sit back up; Susan was standing over her.

“You will be going on a journey to your center, but you must first pass through ten doors. Ten levels, ten circles, ten rings; ten is the number of the universe. I want you to visualize yourself in the center of the rings. They are composed of fire, matter, earth, water; they represent the planets. They are your true family and they will lead you to the source of your power. My dear, you have forgotten your way. You have forgotten who you are.”

She poked Memphis in the center of her forehead. “But I shall help you remember. I will set it right.”

She kneeled down next to her. “Your energy has constructed a circle. In the middle is a vast expanse of black, empty space, and miles and miles of sheer darkness. But suddenly you see a source of light. This light is magnetic and you are drawn to it. Begin your journey toward the light. Feel its

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