Rise of the Wadjet Witch - By Juliet C. Obodo Page 0,38

noticed the blank stare on her face, because he began to break it down.

“Uranus is the projective power of the unconscious, Neptune is dissolving power, and Pluto is regenerating power.”

“I remember you going over that.”

“You have all three in your birth chart, so you will be fully prepared for what’s to come.”

“Does my chart tell you what that is?”

“A birth chart is the symbolic macrocosmic representation of the potential fullness of the perfected microcosm. It is the blueprint of the complete man. It is, therefore, nothing but a set of potentialities, and it defines by implication everything that could possibly be formed by macrocosmic factors. It is purely symbolic. It indicates nothing factual, nothing concrete, nothing precisely fated; it outlines what would be if the personality matured into the full likeness of the archetype. There are just potential eventualities, and the birth chart is a set of spatial factors that determine the archetypal structure or form of the whole man—if he ever becomes whole.”

“So it refers to my spiritual journey, not my physical one.”

He hesitated before answering, “Yes.”

Memphis made the decision to tell him everything—or almost everything. She told him about her visions and the horoscopes.

“How long has this been going on?”

“Well, for the past few weeks, shortly after I quit smoking.”

“Why did you quit smoking? It is wonderful you were able to do so, but I hear it’s quite difficult.”

“I only started to smoking again because of the stress of my breakup, but then I went to this….” Her voice trailed off.

He frowned. “I’m sorry?”

“This all began after my hypnotherapy session.”

“Really? Who treated you?”

“A Dr. Thompson.” She searched through her bag and handed him the card that Jill gave her.

His fingers traced the writing on the card. “Memphis, what exactly do you know about this Dr. Thompson? How did you find her?”

“A friend recommended her; she saw her for weight loss. Dr. Thompson helped her quit unwanted snacking.”

“I see. What do you recall from the session?”

“Absolutely nothing. I just remember lying back on the couch with the blindfold.”

“Blindfold? That’s strange.”

“You know, you’re not the first person to tell me that.”

“I suggest that you make another appointment with the good doctor and try to determine exactly what happened during your session.”

Memphis agreed.

“Well, I myself have an appointment I have to keep.”

“Oh, you do? I’m sorry to have kept you.”

“No, I really wanted to finally meet you. I have for some time now.”

“Since yesterday?”

“Ha, ha. Yes, yes of course. I guess it hasn’t been that long at all.”

He got up from the booth, and Memphis followed suit. “I’m not sure I will be able to transmit any information to you this week. I brought a DVD of shows that I’ve recorded; I would like for you to watch them.”

Transmit information? What an odd choice of words. He handed her a disc. Memphis thanked him before taking it and bending over to tuck it into her purse. When she looked up, Virgil was gone.

Chapter 13

Memphis was in a hurry to get to Jill’s office and tell her about her meeting with Virgil. She didn’t even notice Lawrence walking toward her until she bumped right into him—again.

“Memphis, we really need to stop meeting like this.” He grabbed her by the shoulders and looked down at her with his signature dimpled smile. Her heart immediately seized up and her head began to pound. She was familiar with the phrase “lovesick,” but this was ridiculous. Her body had to stop reacting to him this way. Maybe if she kissed him a few more times—to get it out of her system, of course.

“Memphis?” His smile became mischievous. Once again it was like he knew exactly what she was thinking.

“I’m sorry, but I’m on my way to meet Jill. I want to tell her about my meeting with a…um, source.” She adjusted her bag, which had flipped upside down during their collision. The folder with her research and natal chart slipped onto the hardwood floor.

“I’ll get that,” Lawrence offered.

“No, that’s fine, I’ve got it.” But he had already bent down to help.

“What is this?” he asked, picking up her chart.

“Nothing.” She snatched it from him, jumped up, and practically ran down the hallway to Jill’s office.

“Jill,” she called out breathlessly at her doorway, but no one was there.

“She isn’t here.” Lawrence stated the obvious; he was standing behind her. “I think we should go out for lunch.”

“I’m meeting Jill for lunch.”

“Jill isn’t here,” he repeated, “and I think we need to talk.”

“We do? Do you have a

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