Rise of the Wadjet Witch - By Juliet C. Obodo Page 0,30

bringing chaos onto the world.

As Memphis unearthed more information, she began to see signs that these “myths” might actually be facts. For example the Great Pyramids in Cairo, Egypt had mathematical, geometric, and astrological connections to the planet Mars and to the first monuments erected to the Gods in the solar system. These monuments were located in Cydonia, which is on Mars.

Located in the region of Cydonia are large four and five-sided pyramids that have geometric alignments—a hallmark of design by any intelligent life form capable of constructing buildings. The most obvious and talked about feature at Cydonia is “The Face.” Several people have noted similarities between the “The Face” and the ancient Egyptian visualization of Horus, who would avenge the death of his father by defeating the evil Seth.

This information was amazing and too much to be a coincidence. She really wished she could discuss it with Virgil.

Memphis had already begun to receive fan mail—a total of five e-mails. Two of them were from the same person, but it felt great to be appreciated. She refreshed her screen in hopes that another individual found her to be creditable for the management of their week. The red circle on the left side of the mailbox icon popped up, indicating she had new mail. Excited, Memphis clicked on it to access her inbox.

She had one e-mail from human resources about her health insurance, and another from a [email protected].

She opened the message and discovered that it was from Virgil White—he’d finally replied to her inquiry from last month. It seemed so long ago. He wrote that he would be happy to create her natal chart and if she already had one, he could help her decipher it. He would just need her birth information and a copy of the chart to review. Luckily Memphis had been carrying around her chart since she rediscovered it.

She ran to the copy room, scanned the chart, and ran back to her desk to send him the e-mail attachment. Lawrence looked up and gave her a curious smile. He’d been treating her like a newly released psych patient since the coffee incident on her first day. She didn’t tell him or Jill that she’d spoken to the third victim, Vanessa Cobbs; she hadn’t wanted to draw attention from the police on her first day of work. It wasn’t as if she had much evidence to provide. She gave her some lotto numbers that just happened to be the winning ones. It couldn’t have been the reason she died. If it was, then the murders would be called “the Lottery Winner Killings.” She was guilty of nothing but helping a sista out.

She ignored Lawrence and focused on composing an e-mail response to Virgil. She explained that she was an orphan and her foster parents gave her a box containing her natal chart. It would be great if he could shed some light on its origins. She didn’t have an actual birth certificate; she was left at the hospital after some sort of accident and then placed in foster care after no one claimed her. She attached the scan and hit send.

Well, that was that. Hopefully he wouldn’t take another month to respond. She began to work at reviewing aspects for next week’s horoscopes when she saw she had another e-mail. Virgil had already replied, and he was requesting a meeting with her. She was just about to respond and suggest that they meet that evening when Jill came over and enveloped her in a hug.

“Em! Congratulations on your first week. We’re taking you out for drinks after work.”

“Oh, thanks Jill, but I—”

“No buts. You are coming out with us.”


“Yes, most of the staff is going.”

Lawrence popped his head over the divide. “Welcome to your first work-sponsored Happy Hour.”

She looked down, avoiding his eyes. “All right, what time?” she mumbled.

“We’ll leave around six,” Jill said as she walked away.

That was in half an hour; she definitely couldn’t step out to meet with Virgil. She sent Virgil a short reply to suggest that they meet early the next day. He promptly replied with a time and place close to her office. She probably wouldn’t get any sleep that night in anticipation of what caused Virgil’s heightened interest in her chart.

Chapter 11

A mass exodus took place at exactly six, with all of the newspaper employees making their way to a sake bar located around the corner from their office.

“This is a really nice place,” Memphis remarked as she sat on a

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