Rise of the Wadjet Witch - By Juliet C. Obodo Page 0,24

went to procure the items. When she was gone, Memphis knocked on the dressing room door and entered when Jill gave her permission.

Memphis found her on the beautiful ivory carpet, wearing a gorgeous white dress. Ugly black tears covered her face.

“Jill, what happened? What’s wrong?” Memphis kneeled in front her and completely lost her fake accent. This was the scene that she envisioned the day Jill announced that she was engaged. She couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Why was she seeing all of these awful events before they took place?

“Hese a maddic,” Jill mumbled.

“What?” Memphis moved closer to hear her.

“He’s a sex addict.”

“Who is?”

“Wesley. He’s addicted to pornography and prostitutes.”

Jill tearfully explained what happened. Memphis’s horoscopes got her thinking, specifically the one about a friend and bad news. “It had to be about her!” She exclaimed. Seeing that she was Memphis’s only friend. Memphis let that slight go, even though it was true. She had her IT contact take a look at Wesley’s laptop and internet history. It was filled with porn sites, and he found e-mail correspondence between Wesley and a transvestite escort/car service.

“A transvestite hooker service? How can I compete, Memphis?”

Memphis knew too well how she felt. The consultant knocked and handed Memphis the tissues and water. She wiped away some of Jill’s tears. Poor Jilly Bean. She hadn’t wanted her vision to come true.

“Jill, I saw this coming.”

“You did? I know—I should have seen it, too. With those trips to Thailand.”

“No, I meant I had a vision of all this happening. You on the carpeted floor, crying in your wedding dress. But I didn’t know why you were crying. I never imagined it to be about a transvestite car service.”

“It’s an escort-slash-car service, and what do you mean you saw me?”

Memphis explained what happened with the ring during their lunch.

“Why didn’t you say something?” Jill asked, getting up from the floor.

“I didn’t know what it meant, just like I didn’t know that I was sending myself horoscopes. How can you guys be sure it was me? Maybe someone used my name to register that e-mail account.”

“No, he matched it your IP address. Unless someone is sneaking into your apartment to send you e-mails at 4 a.m., then it’s you, hun. Help me unzip this.”

“It couldn’t be Gemma; she’s been out of town. I guess it has to be me. I used to sleepwalk as a child; maybe it’s progressed to sleep typing. Oh Jill, this dress is gorgeous. What are you going to do?”

“I’m calling off the wedding, of course. We haven’t announced it; we were going to tell everyone tomorrow at the party. Now we’ll just be a regular group of friends dancing and drinking in masks.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. I should actually thank you—better yet, hire you!”

“Hire me? For what?”

“To write horoscopes for the newspaper. Your horoscope helped me discover that Wesley was a lying and disgusting sexual deviant. You have to help others. Now that you’re a free agent, you can work for me. It will fit in with your class schedule, and we’ll have so much fun. Please say yes.”

Memphis looked at Jill’s hopeful face; this would make her day. She reluctantly accepted. Jill wrapped her arms around her and gripped her tightly. Her world was just turned upside down and Memphis’ coming on board would be the silver lining. Memphis wished she could have a vision of what this decision would bring.

Chapter 9

It was the night of Jill’s masquerade party. It was chilly but not too cold, which was great for the girls who favored slutty insert-civil-occupation costumes. Tonight Memphis would be one of those girls. She was young, single, and ready to mingle. Jonathan preferred that she dress conservatively; he liked her menswear-inspired ensembles. She should have seen that red—er, rainbow flag. Well, that was why hindsight was twenty-freaking-twenty.

She did her hair and makeup, but wanted to wait until she got to Jill’s before she changed into her costume. She wasn’t ready to ride the subway in a black corset. Gemma texted to tell her she would meet her there with her new suitor. Jill promised that there would be plenty of food and men and that she would definitely go home with something yummy—oh, and maybe a plate of food, too.

Memphis felt a bit nervous. She wasn’t used to talking to men her age. She had always dated older men who preferred that she didn’t speak, which took a lot of the pressure off her. Men in their

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