Rise of the Wadjet Witch - By Juliet C. Obodo Page 0,20

of the energy and matter contained in this chaos, he created divine and human beings in search of love.

“Alone in the universe with his mind, he created Shu, the God of Air, and Tefnut, the Goddess of Moisture. Shu and Tefnut had two children. They were the first divine couple, and the cosmos were now formed. Their firstborn was Geb, the God of the Earth. Then came Nut, the Goddess of the Sky. Nut and Geb had four children named Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys; they were to be mediators between humans and the cosmos.

“Osiris was the King of the Earth and Isis was the Queen. Since they were divine without real bloodlines, incest was acceptable. Osiris was a good king and ruled over the Earth for many years. He was to take over Ra’s reign among men. At the time, humans were killing and eating each other. Isis discovered wheat and barley, which grew wild over the land with the other plants and was unknown to man at the time. They taught the people of Egypt to make bread and cut only the flesh of such animals as they taught them were suitable. Osiris went on to teach them laws, and how to live peacefully and happily together.

“In the meanwhile, his brother Seth was jealous of him and of man. He became a serpent and began to cause trouble among men. The knowledge they received from Osiris began to ebb. Osiris was away, spreading his knowledge and laws around the world, but was alerted by Isis to return home.

“By the time Osiris returned, his people were no longer walking the path of the divine. They were fighting again. Osiris needed to rest before going forward with a new plan to bring peace among men, but Seth had devised a plan of his own—a plan to kill Osiris and become ruler of Earth, to bring back the chaos which he loved. He devised a plan to trap and suffocate him in a cedar chest. Seth held a feast in honor of Osiris, with the other seventy-two guests being conspirators. During the dinner, he presented the chest to Osiris and told him that he could only have this rare and beautiful piece if he could fit in it. Osiris entered to see if he could fit and was trapped.

“Seth locked and sealed the chest, then sent it down the Nile River. It landed on the shore of Phoenicia near the city of Byblos. He had killed Osiris. The kingdom of Earth was now his. But Gods could not die; Osiris was sent to the underworld, where he was unable to stop Seth.

“Isis wandered back and forth over the land of Egypt, but never could she find a trace of the chest in which Osiris’s body lay. She asked all whom she met, but no one saw it and she couldn’t use her magick to find it.

“Finally she came across a child who was playing by the riverside. She asked if he saw the chest and he replied yes, toward the Great Green Sea. And because of this, Isis blessed the child and decreed that ever afterwards this child should speak words of wisdom and sometimes tell of things to come. The name of the child playing by the riverside was Imhotep.

“Isis searched for Osiris’s remains until she found the chest embedded in a tree trunk, which was holding up the roof of a palace in Byblos on the Phoenician coast. She managed to remove the coffin and open it, but Osiris had already passed on. She used a spell she learned from Thoth and brought him back to life so he could impregnate her. Afterwards, his spirit returned to the underworld and she hid his body in the desert. Months later, she gave birth to Horus.

“Seth came across Osiris’s body while hunting one night; enraged, he tore the body into fourteen pieces and scattered them throughout the land.

“Now, Isis had to begin her search once more, but this time her sister, Nephthys, helped. She left her husband after discovering he killed their brother and was responsible for the chaos of the world.

“Slowly, piece by piece, Isis recovered the fragments of Osiris. Wherever she did so, she formed by magic the likeness of his whole body and caused the priests to build a shrine and perform his funeral rites. And so there were thirteen places in Egypt that claimed to be the burial place of Osiris. In this way, she also made

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