Rise of the Wadjet Witch - By Juliet C. Obodo Page 0,13

require a blindfold; it affects the feeling of trust between the patient and the therapist.”

“That’s what I thought, but I did go down rather quickly, and it worked. I guess the end justifies the means.” She shrugged off her own suspicions.

“Well, it was lovely chatting, but I have to be off to meet a new suitor.” She gathered her service items and placed them in the sink.

“What happened to the one from last night?” Memphis inquired and took another sip of tea.

“Oh, nothing happened to him, but it’s always good to have options.” She winked. She grabbed her coat and scarf, kissed Memphis on the top of the head, and left her feeling young and boring. She also had more dishes to wash.

She decided to change the location of her loafing to the living room sofa, just to shake things up a bit. The television was still on the Public Broadcasting Network. Gemma never watched television; at least not at their apartment since she was hardly ever home.

Memphis grabbed her phone and texted Jill to tell her she was right. “The hypnosis worked after one session. The doctor was a bit strange and I couldn’t really understand her through her accent, but it still worked.”

“Hey! We have the same accent and you can understand me perfectly, unless you’ve been pretending all these years.” Jill was so funny. Her Texan drawl sounded nothing like Dr. Thompson’s musical lilt.

She replied, “LOL.”

The Universe Now was on again. The bespectacled host was in the middle of another discussion on birth charts and how the Moon affected people.

“The Moon enters a different sign about every 2.5 days, so tracking these changes is one of the best ways I know to understand the energies of the signs and how they work for you personally. The Moon is the archetypal symbol of our emotional body, our self-image, what we need, and where we feel security. In one month, we go through every possible emotion, sometimes withdrawing to reflect upon what our emotions are telling us, and sometimes projecting those emotions outwards.”

He continued to explain that the multi-lunar complexes were very different from Earth’s one moon, Mars’s two, and Pluto’s three; he was discussing the effects of a newly discovered planet. It was discovered by one of Jonathan’s old classmates. Memphis was impressed. The show wasn’t just about horoscopes.

“It’s conceivable that their lunar effects are different, possibly stronger, in relation to the Sun, since the Sun is distant and visually smaller than many of those moons. Looking at the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, might their moons’ numbers and comparatively tiny size make their effects less consequential than our relatively larger and single Moon? For an example of a lunar cycle different than ours and similar to our Stellaluna example—except the moons are different sizes—Charon, Pluto’s principal moon, is much larger than our moon is, relative to Pluto. Also similar to Stellaluna, with the Sun being very faint, Charon could have a stronger lunar effect than our moon. Charon has a very long lunar cycle,” he explained.

“The outer planets are very important when it comes to looking at a person’s chart.” He began to draw on a portable chalkboard. He drew several circles and divided them into thirds. “Water signs indicate psychic ability.” He created a list of the chart’s angles and the planets occupying the water signs. “Cancer in the fourth house, Scorpio in the eighth house, and Pisces in the twelfth; these signs and houses all deal with deep psychological levels of a person’s personality.

“If the water signs don’t dominate the chart, then the planets will be in the water houses. The eighth house rules all occult matters and the twelfth rules the subliminal. But having prominent water signs or houses is not enough to assume extraordinary psychic or intuitive talents exist. What matters is the natural planetary rulers of the water signs; if they encompass most of the chart, they show more psychic awareness and intuitive ability than just the water signs.”

He created another list titled “The Natural Planetary Rulers.” “Neptune unveils what is hidden; it rules Pisces and the twelfth house. It’s connected to seeing beyond the material world. It rules the imagination and stimulates a tendency toward fantasy and daydreaming.”

He turned to face the camera. His blue eyes were piercing, and Memphis shivered. For some strange reason it felt as if he were looking directly at her.

“If you have Neptune in your twelfth house you may show the ability to clearly visualize events

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