The Rise of Magicks - Nora Roberts Page 0,51

weapons, more people who can train yours how to fight, how to plant, how to fish, how to build a community, and one with security. Milk,” she said to Liana. “Fruit, vegetables, blankets, clothing.”

“What do you want for all this you’ll bring?” Kilo demanded.

“An army. War’s coming. I’ll build that army whether you go or stay. I’ll bring supplies whether you go or stay, because your people need them. Whether you go or stay I’ll build here, in this place, because it serves my cause. And if you stay, or wherever you go, I’ll fight for you. She’ll fight for you,” she said, laying a hand on Tonia’s shoulder. “The army we raise will fight for you.”

“In other words, lead, follow, or get out of the way.” Tonia shrugged. “To keep it simple.” When he gave her a curled lip, she pushed forward, slapped a fist on the brick wall of his chest.

“Let me tell you something else, asshole—”


“No, fuck diplomacy. Skinny girls, my ass. That skinny girl led this skinny girl and an army of people who aren’t big, giant dicks to Arlington, and won.”

“Bullshit” was Kilo’s response as others muttered and murmured.

But someone else shoved through. He, too, bore scars, and limped as he leaned on a staff. But the hand that gripped Fallon’s arm had strength.

“Arlington? They took my sister. They left me for dead, and took her. The PWs. They took her to Arlington.”


“We found Sam last winter,” Liana said. “He was badly hurt. We didn’t think he’d live.”

“But you didn’t leave him behind. You helped him.”

“Maybe not a complete asshole,” Tonia mumbled.

“Your sister? Is she magickal?”

“No. Please. She’s Aggie. Agnes Haver. Please, they took her.”

“If she was there, we freed all the slaves. I’ll find her, and I’ll bring her to you. I have the names of everyone we got out. We took Arlington,” she said to Kilo. “And more than sixty who fought with me died to free those like his sister. They fought and died to take a place of torment and cruelty and bring the light. Do not dishonor the dead. If you can stand here and do that, you’re not worthy to lead or follow. So you can get out of the way.”

She stepped back, drew her spirit animals to her. “I’ll send supplies, and if they held Aggie in Arlington, I’ll bring her.”

She nodded to Tonia. They flashed.

“The man’s a freaking giant,” Tonia said the minute they stood behind Fallon’s house. “And a total dick.”

“Still, he’s kept over thirty people alive, including kids, and when he came across a half-dead stranger, didn’t just move on. One way or the other, the location works. We’re going to start building it a lot sooner than I’d thought. Gotta follow the signs when they smack you in the face.”

“Who do you figure to send up there?”

“Poe and Kim. Their kids are old enough to go, or to stay in the barracks for a few weeks. Or months, depending. Poe and Kim? They’re tough, smart, experienced, and they won’t take any crap.”

“You got that. Plus, Poe?” Tonia shot out a grin. “He’s not a freaking giant like that Kilo, but, man, he’s totally ripped. That gets respect from dicks. And Kim’s logic-genius brain will do the rest. So. I’ll talk to them.”

“If they don’t want to go—”

“I have a feeling they will. It’s just the kind of challenge they’d go for.”

She thought the same, and since Tonia’s connection with the couple went all the way back, she’d leave the approach to her friend. “We’ll need to send a healer and at least twelve skilled in fighting and building. Three to help establish plantings, a greenhouse.”

“Let me talk to my mom. She’ll know.”

“They don’t all have to come from New Hope. I can pull some in from other bases. But yeah, ask her who she thinks would work best in that kind of situation. I need to go check my names for Agnes Haver.”

“You’ll find her. Trust the signs. Hell of a trip, Fallon. Thanks for the lift.”

* * *

The setting sun burned red through the trees when Fallon came back to the clearing. This time she came with four other magickals, a former slave, and supplies.

Kilo rose from his seat around a campfire, spear in hand.

He said nothing when Sam let out a cry, stumbled forward to embrace his sister. “Aggie. Oh God, Aggie.”

“You’re alive. I thought they’d killed you. Sam. Sam.”

“She should sit, have water,” Fallon told them. “Flashing, even with the tonic, Copyright 2016 - 2024