Rise of the Evening Star Page 0,25

sitting back down and picking up a piece of toast. That was partly how he convinced me to trust him. He said that he knew I had been fairystruck, and offered the information as proof that he knew Grandpa's87 friend Coulter. She put some eggs onto her toast and took abite.

The imp, Grandpa growled, drumming the fingers of his good hand on his cast. He shared a glance with


What imp? Seth asked.

The imp that put him in that wheelchair, Grandma said.

I thought all the imps changed back into fairies,

Kendra said.

Apparently a few imps were not at the chapel when the empowered fairies were curing the others, Grandpa said.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves. He stared at

Grandma for a moment. We tell them, right?

She gave a single, small nod.

Grandpa leaned forward in his wheelchair and lowered his voice. What we are about to tell you must not leave this room. You must not discuss it even with others we trust, like

Dale, or Vanessa, or Tanu, or Coulter. Nobody should know that you know. Or the danger will only increase. Am I


Kendra and Seth both agreed.

Grandpa eyed Seth. I mean nobody, Seth.

What? he said, squirming a little in his seat. I promise

I won't tell anyone.

See that you don't, Grandpa admonished solemnly. I

am taking a risk allowing you to return to Fablehaven after the harm you caused. I do it partly because I trust that you have learned a hard lesson about caution, and partly because88 it may be necessary for your protection. This is informationwe would prefer not to share with anyone, let alone children.

But your grandmother and I feel that you have become too deeply involved for us not to reveal the whole story. You have a right to understand the hazards you face.

Kendra glanced at Seth. He looked so excited that he could hardly contain himself. Although she was also curious, she dreaded to hear the specifics of any threat so somber and secretive.

I have already related part of the story, Grandma said.

Last summer, in the attic, before we went to rescue your grandfather, I mentioned some reasons why Fablehaven is different from most other magical preserves. I told you in case your grandpa and I perished and you survived.

Fablehaven is one of five secret preserves, Kendra said.

Very good, Kendra, Grandpa said.

The five secret preserves each have a powerful item hidden on them, Kendra continued. Not many people know about the secret preserves.

Very few indeed, Grandma said. And none know the location of all five.

One probably does, Grandpa corrected.

Well, if he does, he has never let on, Grandma replied.

I've wondered a lot about what you told us, Kendra said. It seems really mysterious.

Grandpa cleared his throat. He looked almost hesitant to speak. Did Errol ever allude to Fablehaven as a secret preserve housing a special artifact?

No, Kendra said. Seth shook his head.89And he did nothing to cajole that information out ofyou? Grandpa pursued.

No, Seth said. Kendra agreed.

Grandpa leaned back. That, at least, is a relief.

But we must continue with our plan, Grandma said.

Grandpa waved his hand. Of course. We'll proceed as if the secret is out.

You think they know? Kendra asked.

Grandpa frowned. The Society of the Evening Star should not even be aware that this preserve exists. Enormous efforts have been taken to maintain our anonymity. Yet we know the Society colluded with Muriel and nearly managed to overthrow Fablehaven last summer. And so we must assume that they are aware Fablehaven is a secret preserve, and realize what it contains.

What? Seth asked. What is the artifact?

By itself, an ancient talisman of tremendous power,

Grandpa said. In connection with the other four, the key to

Zzyzx, the great prison where literally thousands of the most powerful demons from every age of this world are incarcerated.

None remain who know its location, Grandma whispered.

Except, perhaps, the Society, Grandpa murmured, scowling at the floor. If the five talismans were ever brought together and used to open Zzyzx, the results would be...

catastrophic. Apocalyptic. The end of the world.

Endless night, Grandma echoed. Across all the earth.

The mighty fiends inside of Zzyzx would make Bahumat look90 like an infant. A lapdog. In their absence, we long ago lostthe ability to contend with beings of their power. Even the fairy army you summoned would quail before them. Our only hope is to keep them imprisoned.

The room was silent. Kendra could hear the grandfather clock ticking. So how do we stop them? Seth finally said.

That is the right question, Grandpa said, jabbing a finger at Seth for emphasis. I put

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