The Rise and Fall of a Dragonking - By Lynn Abbey Page 0,33

told were insults in the troll language.

The heavy-footed tread got louder, and a big chunk of sky grew darker as the troll hove into view. Like me, he was armed with a stone club, though its haft was thicker than my wrist, and the stone lashed to its tip was as large as my head. He shouted something I didn’t understand while he brandished that club over me. I shouted something I can’t remember. Then his arm drew back for a killing strike.

Except for the Troll-Scorcher himself, there were no humans left who remembered the victories that drove the trolls out of the heartland and cleared the Kreegills. All the tales I’d heard at Jikkana’s side were legends passed down through three or four generations. We didn’t know anything about trolls, except that they were big, and they were fast, and their bare gray skin was tougher than our best armor Without magic, I’d heard that the only way humans could take down a troll was to swarm over it like jozhals and beat it to death with a thousand puny blows.

I’d get one chance, one swing. To make the most of it, I tossed the torch aside and put both hands on the shaft of my club. Against another human, the flint knob would have been the best choice: a human could stun a man of his own race with the knob, men take him apart with the hook. But against a thick-skinned troll, it was all or nothing. I spun the shaft as I lunged at my enemy and swung with the hook leading.

My arm bones jammed my shoulders when the flint struck flesh. I nearly lost my grip. Nearly. Somehow I kept my hands where they belonged as hook went in up to the leather thong that lashed the stone to the shaft. The troll made a sound like a baby crying. His club grazed my arm as he toppled. He was dead before he struck the ground.

Staggering, because my heart suddenly refused to beat and my lungs forgot to breathe, I dropped to one knee and savored my victory by starlight. But the thoughts that rang in my mind were: What was his name? Did he leave anyone behind who would remember his name? The army Windreaver had loosed in the heartland wasn’t made of outcasts, orphans and rootless veterans, like us. The trolls were totally committed to their cause. The bands we trailed were families with fathers and grandfathers, mothers and children.

I’d never know my troll’s name or what had brought him, alone, to my hill, his death. Perhaps he’d gotten lost in the night. Perhaps he’d been chasing his own dreams of vengeful glory. But it was a safe bet that he wasn’t the only troll in walking distance, and that some other troll was going to come looking for him.

Even if there weren’t any other trolls nearby to put the tang of danger in my victory and cut short my celebration, the torch I’d tossed aside had set the straw-grass ablaze.

Fire was an enemy I’d known as long as I’d lived. Grabbing my blanket, I swung and stomped those flames until they were gone and every ember was dark. Then, on my hands and knees, I raked the hot ash with my fingers until it was as cool as the corpse behind me. Dawn was coming when I rested and drained the last drops from my water-skin.

As the first red streaks of daylight thrust over the eastern horizon, I gazed at my night’s work: the fire I had extinguished, the troll I’d killed. He was young, probably no older than I—which made him very young for a troll. The warty calluses that armored adults of his race had scarcely spread up his arms. His face was smooth, with soft brown eyes, wide-open and staring at me. His open mouth asked why?

I had no answer. We were far from Deche; there was no cause for me to think I’d claimed vengeance against a troll who’d wronged me personally. Like as not, the troll I’d killed—the troll who would have killed me, I made no mistake there—had his own wounded memories and fought humans for the same reasons I fought trolls.

Neither of us was right, but I was alive. Nothing else mattered. I’d survived the massacre at Deche, and I’d survived a face-to-face combat with a troll. Destiny had plans for me. I believed that as strongly as the sun rose, but I had no Copyright 2016 - 2024