The Ring The Spaniard Gave Her - Lynne Graham Page 0,48

every smile he gave her. Their little fling as such was almost over and he had only just finished reminding her that they did have boundaries, closing her out when he could have let her in...had he wanted to. Only he didn’t want to and that told her all she needed to know. She was on the outside with Ruy and always would be.

The limousine dropped them off at an enormous mansion milling with beautifully dressed guests. From the moment she entered she was conscious of female eyes clinging to her. Mercedes made a special point of greeting her again while from every corner Ruy was hailed as though he were a very important guest indeed. Before very long he was the centre of a crush of men, gamely answering every question aimed at him.

‘Ruy seems very popular,’ she remarked to Mercedes.

‘He always has been. That level of success impresses most people. He was also every girl’s pin-up when I was at school and he hasn’t lost his appeal to the ladies,’ Mercedes responded.

‘I noticed that he attracted a fair amount of attention at the church,’ Suzy admitted uncomfortably.

‘It’s vulgar, but all the women who made a play for him and got nowhere are madly curious to know what you had that they didn’t and why you have that ring on your finger.’ Mercedes wrinkled her nose with distaste. ‘I’m afraid that Ruy acquired the reputation of being a commitment-phobe.’

‘I can’t think why.’ Suzy laughed although she could taste bitterness behind her fake amusement because Ruy was exactly what everyone had thought he was: a commitment-phobe. She had never been in the running for anything deeper with Ruy. From the outset he had made it clear that he didn’t want a relationship and he had stuck to his rules.

Ruy retrieved her and they took their seats and a long elaborate meal began, accompanied by many speeches. It was a relief to get up and stretch her legs on the dance floor afterwards. ‘If I ever get married,’ Suzy told Ruy, ‘there will be no pomp and ceremony to it.’

‘Weddings are very much family affairs. The bride and groom don’t always have a choice. I have very stuffy relatives. This type of ritual and tradition is exactly what they appreciate and respect. Some of them have come to speak to you today but most of them are too busy observing you and gossiping and they won’t officially meet you until tomorrow.’

‘You’re scaring the life out of me!’ Suzy censured, slender hips moving in time to the pulsing beat of the music as she moved back from him.

Another man hovered, requesting permission with a look at Ruy to step in to partner Suzy. Ruy wanted to say no but he was mindful of the occasion and reluctant to act possessive, even knowing that he was hellishly possessive when it came to Suzy. He backed to the edge of the floor, taking the chance to watch her dance, appreciating the fluid grace of every movement, her perfect synchronisation with the music. His replacement moved in with a great deal more panache than Ruy had in the dance department and a wry smile curved his sardonic mouth.

‘Who is he?’ he asked his brother as he drew level with him.

‘Don’t you recognise him?’ Rigo said in surprise. ‘Jorge’s a professional...stars in that dance show Mercedes adores on Channel—’

‘I don’t watch dance shows. Do you think she needs rescuing?’ Ruy interrupted, his entire attention glued to Suzy’s animated face.

‘I don’t and maybe you need to let her have some space,’ Rigo murmured thoughtfully, turning to study his twin. ‘Never thought I’d see you being clingy with a woman.’

‘I’m not.’

‘Never thought I’d get married again either though,’ his twin continued as if Ruy hadn’t spoken, a relaxed note to that admission that impressed Ruy. ‘But I don’t need pills or booze to get through the day with Mercedes around. She lights up my world.’

‘Congratulations. I’m very happy for you both.’ Ruy breathed in deep and slow, suddenly appreciating how important such an exchange was with his long-lost twin, opening the possibility of a closer, more normal relationship. It heartened him, made him realise how much Suzy’s presence had lightened the atmosphere between him and his brother.

At the same time, Rigo’s words had made Ruy reluctantly recall his world pre-Suzy. It had been very well organised, and every moment had been scheduled to maximise efficient productivity. He had fallen off that relentless train, however. He didn’t think that Copyright 2016 - 2024